“To travel is to see the world as it is.”

“What if the poem loses?What if it never tastes victory like the intent it was written with?”

“The act of living is a revolutionary right.”

“The holes in my boots and the holes in my jeans make me whole!”

“The holes in my jeans ans the holes in my boots make me whole!”

“Der Tag, an dem wir beginnen, uns Gedanken über die Zukunft zu machen, ist der Tag, an dem wir unsere Kindheit hinter und lassen.”

“The opposite of grief is not laughter or happiness or joy. It is love. It is love. It is love.”

“My father told me once “Son, there are only two kinds people that can do whatever they want in life. Kings and fools.”. So I decided to be a King.”

“You require a certain amount of insanity to make your dreams come true!”

“God’s knows what is best for us.”

“Here’s a good phrase for you to jot down: wherever you are, be there! Be there to absorb it. Take a picture if you can. Take pictures in your mind; let your soul and heart take pictures. Get it, capture it, absorb it. And don’t be casual in getting it. Casualness leads to casualties.”

“Never abandon your personal message. No matter what comes your way, remain dedicated to that which you hold close to your heart”

“إن جميع الفاشلين في الحياة لا يقيمون وزنا إلى شيء اسمه : التعاون مع الغير”

“Force is often used to enforce peace and an A bomb did bring world war 2 to a shuddering halt. The funniest people sometimes commit suicide and good souls often break a zillion hearts. That’s just who were are…sinners and saints in equal measure, our contradictions continually shaping our humanity and if we deny these paradoxes, we deny the existence of the very evolution that got us here.”

“Бе истина, а лъжа е.Бе щастие, а сега се учим от плача си.Бе смисъл, а безумие цари.Бе приказка, бе магия,а сега – ЖИВОТ Е.”