“People need a moral code, to help them make decisions. All this bio-yogurt virtue and financial self-righteousness are just filling the gap in the market. But the problem is that it’s all backwards. It’s not that you do the right thing and hope it pays off; the morally right thing is by definition the thing that gives the biggest payoff.”

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.”

“But maybe that isn’t possible. Maybe the mind of the majority is always the healthy mind, simply by virtue of its numbers. Maybe it’s the definition of madness to believe I’m right and everyone else if wrong, to find my thoughts rational and reasonable when almost the entire world finds them damaged and flawed.”

“Most people will do the right thing; if they can afford too.”

“[…] every decent man confronted by a totalitarian regime ought to have the pluck to commit high treason.”

“If you boil it down, just because someone else does the wrong thing we are not exempt from doing what’s right.”

“… what you think is right isn’t the same as knowing what is right.”

“There can be as many wrong reasons to do the right thing as there are stars in the sky. There might even be more than one legitimate right reason. But there is never a right reason to do the wrong thing. Not ever.”

“What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right; no one can be always right.”

“Here’s the way to destroy your life in sixty seconds or less; convince yourself that something is ‘right’ simply because you want it to be, and then go act on it.”

“I would rather die by my convictions than die by the culture that defies them.”

“It has been said that my convictions served a generation that lived out its days in the backwaters of an ignorance fed comatose by intellectual stupor. And although I find it painful to say, I would contend that this is in fact an apt description of today’s generation.”

“Are the disjointed efforts of opinions, biases, cultural mandates, politically-correct notions, and all things vogue and trendy an effort to write ourselves sweeping permission to justify sweeping behaviors that will in time sweep us away?”

“I might wish to consider that upon which I stand, for in fact I may be standing on nothing which means that in reality I am not standing at all.”

“A father must be good to his wife and daughter, because from watching this treatment — the son will learn how to treat all women, and his daughter will know what a good man is supposed to act like. And a mother must always remain morally good and faithful to her husband, be attentive to all her children, and be filled with patience, forgiveness, kind words, compassion and love — so her children are raised to respect all mothers, and know what a good woman is supposed to act like. If you neglect your fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives, then don’t be surprised when the Creator is forced to neglect you. Neglect, and you will be neglected. Protect, and you will be protected. Reject, and you will be rejected. Love all, and all that love will be mirrored by the Creator — and reflected back onto YOU.”