“Don’t wait for the right time to start something… Start NOW!!! Don’t wait for someone to teach you something… Learn YOURSELF!!! If you want something… genuinely… Put your heart in it and TRY ONCE!!! You may fail… But you’ll be satisfied that you tried your best for it!! Be Passionate… Be Dedicated… Conquer your Dreams!!!”

“Hey world, look at me. I am becoming what you said I could never be.”

“Never think success is for special breeds of humans. Truly success is for ordinary people, who keep wake while others are sleep!”

“Our obstacles are tough, so are our potentials. If we don’t unleash our potentials, our obstacles will cripple us!”

“If you fail at an attempt, open your eyes to alternate approaches. If you defend your failure, you lose sight of new approaches.”

“If you persist in doing what everyone feels you can’t do, they’ll soon see your success and ask “how did you do it?”

“Have 10 friends who believe in your dreams than 100 friends who never do. It’s not about numbers; it’s about purpose.”

“You need to find out, what you love most from the core of your heart, and for success you need to invest your time and energy on that.”

“No matter who you are or what you do, life is going to push you around. You just have to make it push you in the right direction.”

“Greatness isn’t found in how you handle success, but in how you handle failure.”

“Those who dig for water and give up, make potholes. Those who persist and dig deep, make a well.”

“You’re either 100% committed or just 99% committed to your outcomes.”

“If we think a magic fairy named “time” is finally going to make all things right in the world, we’re dreaming.”

“Time doesn’t change things. It’s how we use our time that makes the difference.”

“Time spent for temporary happiness like movie or outing or weekend on a beach is all synthetic; with shelf life of a day or two. Work for your bigger dreams that should last for whole life. Then movie and beach would seem more interesting, realising that you have done something.”