All Quotes By Tag: Motivational
“Beautiful is that girl who always loved you more than you expected, who helps people, who taught you right from the wrong. A mother who bears the child in her womb for nine months and becoming a mother is beauty. That is the real beauty.”
“Sometimes it’s not the times you decide to fight, but the times you decide to surrender—those are the decisions that can make all the difference. Those are the ones that can shape your story in history.”
“It shouldn’t matter what I say, but rather, how you feel—don’t listen to the words of people. Instead, listen to your heart. It doesn’t lie, and it is speaking just as loudly.”
“Forgive yourself for the lives that will be lost, but do not forget them. A good leader always recognizes that sacrifices must be made in order to win, but remembering or forgetting those who sacrificed themselves for your cause is what separates the tyrants from the benevolent.”
“Life is good, but living in fear is not my idea of living”
“Dream well, because “Dreams” are always the path to make the best of what we have in this world called – The Life”
“An entire life, lavishly colored with ecstasies and agonies, is exclusively born from the functional expression of neurochemistry. Every time that we sob in sorrow or laugh in joy, we do so, steered by a glorious storm of hormonal interplay within the deepest parts of our mind. And with each drop of tear that we shed in our times of excruciating pain, our brain constructs majestic new cellular connections to aid in the pursuit of our passion – in the pursuit of truth.”
“Mercifulness, compassion and benefaction are the elements exist only in a brave.”
“The biggest delusion of human is when he declares he has learnt, and the realization of that very delusion is when he corrects and says that, ” Yes, he is still learning”!”
“In order to fail, you must try first.”
“Your Clock Will Never Slap you if you west your time, But destiny will one day.”
“Declare your life an emergency… then get started and keep pushin!”
“When craziness mixes with love, happiness, deviants and unicorns—you have to embrace it.”
“One act of a kind deed is better than thousand words of knowledge.”
“If you’re addicted enough to your passion, you’ll surely somehow find time and paths to follow it.”