“This is just a brief “off the top of the head” first blush analysis, and if one wanted to dig deeper, it wouldn’t be difficult to discover more “gems” hidden in plain sight.Devil’s Inception!”

“Come out my friend. Come out from the narrow lanes of darkness. Come out into the vivacious light of the day where all the glory resides.”

“I am a scientist, and as such I am proud to say that being stupid at times is a very human thing. Be proud to be stupid, be proud to be fool. Being a fool is a billion times better than being blinded by the illusion of intellect. I admit I am a fool, but at the very least, with each passing day I do my best to get lesser fool.”

“don’t try to be best, try to give your best.”

“The 7 Steps to Transformation:1. Dream it.2. Envision it.3. Think it.4. Grow it.5. Become it.6. Live it.7. OWN it.”

“Mind is the Alpha – Mind is the Omega. There is nothing else in the pursuit of knowledge. And more importantly, there is nothing else in education. All systems of the society should serve the mind, instead of the mind serving the systems.”

“For self-educated scientists and thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Leonardo-da-Vinci, Michael Faraday, myself and many others, education is a relentless voyage of discovery. To us education is an everlasting quest for knowledge and wisdom.”

“The treasure of a lifetime lies in the sacredness of the heart.”

“You have to be alive in order to live.”

“You require a certain amount of insanity to make your dreams come true!”

“God’s knows what is best for us.”