“Being broke is part of the journey. Staying broke is a fucking choice.”

“When your car needs gas, you go to a gas station and get back on the road. You don’t stay at the gas station for the rest of your life. Learn to rest and never to quit. Remember this while you journey through life.”

“Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.”

“The more you tell yourself that you are trying to do something rather than telling yourself that you are doing said thing, the harder it is to have success in your attempts. By saying that you are trying to do something you are focusing on the negatives making it impossible to have a positive outcome.”

“Friends won’t support you until they see strangers celebrate you.”

“To succeed, you must never give on yourself.”

“If someone is trying to sell you with only past credentials and older accolades without including present examples and up to date proof, you might be dealing with someone that is sharing expired information and does not have the up to date knowledge to help you.”

“You don’t build a reputation by saying you are going to do something. If you want to be a successful person, you have to actually work. There is nothing wrong with speaking about future plans if you actually take action to make them work. Be proud of your success thus far and be hopeful for your success in the future.”

“Those who have succeeded have not failed less than the rest of us, they have just tried more than us. They have tried and tried until they succeeded. Don’t give up before you have given your dreams a fair shot. Keep going until you have succeeded. Your loss becomes your success. Lose more, win more.”

“Live beyond your fear. This is your life, the good, the bad, all yours. The change you want is beyond your comfort zone. If change was within your comfort zone, you would be wherever you want to be, but it isn’t. The best in life is past our comfort, into our fear and beyond it.”

“Take my hand, hold on tight, and together we will jump. Jump out of the darkness and into the blinding light. I don’t know what struggle we will experience out there but I believe it is better than struggling here in the darkness. Together let’s change our lives. Let us take risks to create a better life. I believe.”

“Here we all are, so afraid of failure that we don’t even attempt to succeed. We feel so lost, by ourselves. Fear fuels our stagnation. Fear should be fueling our success or nothing at all. Everyone feels fear; we should be learning to use our fear to our advantage rather than attempting to ignore it. I am afraid but that doesn’t stop me. Does fear stop you?”

“Maybe you can’t change the world, but you can change your world.”

“The Shortest Success Mantra for this short life is Move out from your Comfort zone into your Action zone.”

“The original meaning of the word resolution means to “break into parts.” Think about that as you make your New Year’s resolutions. Break the big ones down. Break the little ones down. Every step is a victory. Don’t you dare wait until the finish line to celebrate. Life happens along the journey, not just at the finish line.”