“Do not beat yourself up for what you did or did not do. That will only bruise you and break you and make you less able to live the life you want. You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“Encourage your own greatness.”

“I matter. My feelings deserve attention. My desires deserve fulfillment. My dreams count. I matter, not because I’m selfish, but because if I don’t value my body, mind, and spirit, the world will destroy me. And when I do value myself, I am indestructible.”

“Here’s a good reason to never think of yourself as a VICTIM: the origin of the word comes from living creatures sacrificed to supernatural powers. So don’t you let anyone pin you down on an altar and take the life from you. You might have been hurt, abused, wounded, and used, but you are not theirs. You are your own. The meaning of OWN means to make one’s own…so there you go. You decide. They don’t.”

“Focus not on the outcome of success but instead on the foundation of success. Train yourself with values of love, integrity, patience, courage, and compassion.”

“If you want success, you have to accept that results won’t be instantaneous. Everything good takes time to form. Give yourself a chance, a chance to succeed. A single right action won’t be life changing. Make your success a habit not just an act of whim. Try and try again. As long as you haven’t quit, you haven’t failed.”

“Like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win, but never to accept the way to lose, to accept defeat, to learn to die is to be liberated from it. So when tomorrow comes, you must free your ambitious mind, and learn the art of dying.”

“If there were formula for success, mathematicians would have definitely held the top spot in the world’s richest list.”

“Initially, inspiration can come from anywhere but to sustain inspiration one must take actions immediately before it fades away.”

“Achieving success is not easy nor it is final, but sustaining one prolonged is a lot harder. Remember the road to success is often an uphill battle with many obstacles, along the way, you may fail more than once in this horrendous journey before reaching the summit. Keep in mind, none of the failures is fatal as long as you have the courage to get up after each fall, shake the dust off, and try even harder in your next attempt. After all, the process and the iron-will to continue counts more than the actual achievement of success.”

“Success is found in living the life of your dreams. Be happy and you will live with success.”

“If you think you know everything, you will be proven time after time that you only know very little. The right amount of confidence is a condiment for success, but overconfidence can be damaging, and fatal when it is coupled with ignorance and a big ego.”

“If you want to accomplish something, you must get out and make things happen. Sitting on your ass will only make the clock move but nothing else, then failure is sure because the time spent unproductively or unprofitably can only lead to disappointment, and lots of it.”

“Success is not something you can measure by the amount of money made or wealth created. No need to use special metaphors, it is rather simple, real success is what difference you have made in this world, forget the millions or billions you have made for yourself. There are more than seven billion people in this world, but we only remember and never forget those who unselfishly devoted their lives to added value so that the future can be a better place.”

“Success is not something you can measure by the amount of money made or wealth created. No need to use special metaphors, it is rather simple, real success is what difference you have made in this world, forget the millions or billions you have made for yourself. There are more than seven billion people in this world, but we only remember and never forget those who unselfishly devoted their lives to add value so that the future can be a better place.”