“The church needs to arise not just against total and absolute ignorance, the church also needs to arise against half-truth or falsehood, which is some of the things that are prevailing in our churches today.”

“God cannot help you in your ignorance.”

“The number one price of ignorance is destruction.”

“Study to show yourself qualified for God’s use.”

“Your level of knowledge will determine the level at which God relates with you.”

“If we really want to represent God in our day and time, we must embrace knowledge.”

“To be relevant, you must seek knowledge.”

“God has no regard for the ignorant.”

“Illiteracy is simply the inability to read and write.”

“Illiteracy is the number one promoter of ignorance.”

“We must be true ambassadors of Christ on the earth in order to be able to put an end to the plague of ignorance in our society.”

“Lack of knowledge leads to rejection by God.”

“To some extent, it is almost blasphemous to think that insult, anger and irritation could be a positive force.”

“Individuals should take personal responsibility for knowledge acquisition and campaigns against ignorance.”