All Quotes By Tag: Possible
“Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don’t even dream of coming down.”
“You have to go head, even if no one goes with you.”
“Once you can write an alphabet, you can write a book of 100 million pages. It’s just a matter of believing it as possible, and taking the cross millimetre by millimetre.”
“It’s when you’re in love, that nothing seems impossible anymore.”
“I can imagine all sorts of things. But can I imagine a God who insists that we imagine the impossible so that the impossible need not remain imagination?”
“At the point that I have rigorously pressed out and reached the end of myself, I have in fact not even broached the place where God is about to begin. Therefore, a conclusion in my mind is barely a point of departure in God’s.”
“Impossible’ as defined by us is a ‘walk in the park’ as defined by God. And as I think about it, I really need to spend more time in parks.”
“Far too often I have assumed something as impossible because I’ve held my limitations up against the magnitude of the challenge. But when I choose to hold God up against the magnitude of the challenge, then what becomes impossible is my ability to see it as impossible.”
“Choices will continually be necessary and — let us not forget — possible. Obedience to God is always possible. It is a deadly error to fall into the notion that when feelings are extremely strong we can do nothing but act on them.”
“When rainbows meet food, all sorts of colors & flavors are possible.”