“But I think we both knew, even then, that what we had was something even more rare, and even more meaningful. I was going to be his friend, and was going to show him possibilities. And he, in turn, would become someone I could trust more than myself.”

“And when all your faith is gone let it be me, if it’s a friend you need let it be me”

“Trust and faith bring joy to life and help relationships grow to their maximum potential.”

“You do not get what you wish for, unless it be known to the source of your desire.”

“After their encounter on the approach to Jupiter, there would aways be a secret bond between them—not of love, but of tenderness, which is often more enduring.”

“In any relationship in which two people become one, the end result is two half people.”

“Love is giving up control. It’s surrendering the desire to control the other person. The two—love and controlling power over the other person—are mutually exclusive. If we are serious about loving someone, we have to surrender all the desires within us to manipulate the relationship.”

“Why be alone when we can be together babyYou can make my life worthwhileAnd I can make you start to smile”

“Don’t answer the door in a wedding dress and veil, he might not think you’re joking.”

“Delusion detests focus and romance provides the veil.”

“Relationships take up energy; letting go of them, psychiatrists theorize, entails mental work. When you lose someone you were close to, you have to reassess your picture of the world and your place in it. The more your identity was wrapped up with the deceased, the more difficult the loss.”

“I arrived, I saw humans and I saw through their faces. Nothing ever changes but the light in their eyes. For I too have buried my demons today, without knowing what might remain beneath the face of tomorrow.”

“Frida Kahlo to Marty McConnellleaving is not enough; you muststay gone. train your heartlike a dog. change the lockseven on the house he’s nevervisited. you lucky, lucky girl.you have an apartmentjust your size. a bathtubfull of tea. a heart the sizeof Arizona, but not nearlyso arid. don’t wish awayyour cracked past, yourcrooked toes, your problemsare papier mache puppetsyou made or bought because the vendorat the market was so compelling you justhad to have them. you had to have him.and you did. and now you pull downthe bridge between your houses,you make him call beforehe visits, you take a loverfor granted, you takea lover who looks at youlike maybe you are magic. makethe first bottle you consumein this place a relic. place iton whatever altar you fashionwith a knife and five cranberries.don’t lose too much weight.stupid girls are always tryingto disappear as revenge. and youare not stupid. you loved a manwith more hands than a paradeof beggars, and here you stand. heartlike a four-poster bed. heart like a canvas.heart leaking something so strongthey can smell it in the street.”

“Sing me a love song in a slow, southern drawl to the tune of sunny days…”