All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“When God reveals a secret to you, it becomes the job description of your entire life.”
“One day somebody asked Herr K. if there was a God. Herr K. replied: “I suggest that you ask yourself whether the answer would effect your behavior. If your behavior would remain unchanged, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can at least be of assistance to you by telling you that you have already decided: you need a God.”
“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.For if they fall, the one will lift up her lover:And three are better than two, for three shall make the circle complete.But woe to her that is alone when she falls; for she hath not another to help her up.”
“La Religion ne signifie pas obéir à certaines règles issues de livres écrits il y a des centaines ou des milliers d’années. La Religion signifie la réalisation du soi.”
“Women are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost its taste,What with shall our food be salted?It is thenceforth good for nothing,But to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot;The Patriarchs would wish women to be invisible.But in women are the light of the world.A tree that grows on a hill cannot be hid.Neither do women light a hearth fire, and hide it;As it gives light to all that are in the house.Let your light so shine before humanity,That they may see your good works, and glorify your Queen, the Goddess.”
“You have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:But I say to you, resist chaos with all of the passion of the Goddess:Create peace in the sacred places of the Earth;Revenge begats revenge; whosoever breaks the cycle of revenge is beloved of the Goddess.Find common ground with your adversary quickly,For whosoever shall create consensus is the beloved of the Goddess.”
“You have heard that it has been said,You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.But I say to you,Love your enemies,Speak truth to the liars,Bless them that curse you,Do good to them that hate you,This is what they least wish you to do;In this way you will overcome all oppression.”
“The true lover yearneth for tribulation even as doth the rebel for forgiveness and the sinful for mercy.”
“Busy not thyself with this world, for with fire We test the gold, and with gold We test Our servants.”
“Socrates poisoned, Aristides ostracized, Aristotle fleeing for his life, Jesus crucified, Paul beheaded, Peter crucified head downward, Savonarola martyred, Spinoza hunted, tracked and cursed, and an order issued that no man should speak to him not supply him food or shelter, Bruno burned, Galileo imprisoned, Huss, Wyclif, Latimer and Tyndale used for kindling – all this in the name of religion, institutional religion, the one thing that has caused more misery, heartaches, bloodshed, war, than all other causes combined.”
“I believe in the same manner at this moment; and I moreover believe, that any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system.”
“Lebe das, was du vom Evangelium verstanden hast. Und wenn es noch so wenig ist. Aber lebe es.”
“When we pay attention to this history, a pattern emerges: first, the Redeemers attacked voting rights. Then they attacked public education, labor, fair tax policies, and progressive leaders. Then they took over the state and federal courts, so they could be used to render rulings that would undermine the hope of a new America. This effort culminated in the landmark case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, which upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring segregation of public facilities under the doctrine “separate but equal.” And then they made sure that certain elements had guns so that they could return the South back to the status quo ante, according to their deconstructive immoral philosophy.”
“All preachers speak confidently about life after death as if they once died, even though almost all of them have never even fainted.”
“Can Religion Cure Our Troubles:Mankind is in mortal peril, and fear now, as in the past, is inclining men to seek refuge in God. Throughout the West there is a very general revival of religion. Nazis and Communists dismissed Christianity and did things which we deplore. It is easy to conclude that the repudiation of Christianity by Hitler and the Soviet Government is at least in part the cause of our troubles and that if the world returned to Christianity, our international problems would be solved. I believe this to be a complete delusion born of terror. And I think it is a dangerous delusion because it misleads men whose thinking might otherwise be fruitful and thus stands in the way of a valid solution.The question involved is not concerned only with the present state of the world. It is a much more general question, and one which has been debated for many centuries. It is the question whether societies can practise a sufficient modicum of morality if they are not helped by dogmatic religion. I do not myself think that the dependence of morals upon religion is nearly as close as religious people believe it to be. I even think that some very important virtues are more likely to be found among those who reject religious dogmas than among those who accept them. I think this applies especially to the virtue of truthfulness or intellectual integrity. I mean by intellectual integrity the habit of deciding vexed questions in accordance with the evidence, or of leaving them undecided where the evidence is inconclusive. This virtue, though it is underestimated by almost all adherents of any system of dogma, is to my mind of the very greatest social importance and far more likely to benefit the world than Christianity or any other system of organised beliefs.”