All Quotes By Tag: Salvation
“Whoever calls on the Savior, shall be saved.”
“Whoever believed in Jesus Christ, shall be justified by faith in Son of God.”
“If we put faith in Christ Jesus, we are justified by faith in Christ.”
“It is not great faith but true faith that saves. And the salvation lies not in the faith but in the Christ in whom faith trusts.”
“We saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.”
“Take up the cup of salvation, call on the Name of Lord God, Our Saviour.”
“Without the mess, who treasure the mercy of the Maker?”
“The guilt is cleansed by the grace of God..”
“Whoever reject the gospel of salvation, reject God’s grace.”
“Without sin, who will be grateful for the grace of salvation?”
“It is not sin as we see it that was laid on Christ but sin as God sees it, not sin as our conscience feebly reveals it to us but sin as God beholds it in all its unmitigated malignity and unconcealed loathsomeness. Sin, in its exceeding sinfulness, Jesus has put away. But when we perceive sin, then we are to trust the blood.”
“Good works never saves a man, only grace of Faith in Son of Man.”
“True and genuine charity is no lesse necessary to Salvation for all Churches, and members of Christian Churches, than the true and entire profession of sound and saving Faith.”
“It is possible for a man to know whether God has called him or not, and he may know it too beyond a doubt. He may know it as surely as if he read it with his own eyes; nay, he may know it more surely than that, for if I read a thing with my eyes, even my eyes may deceived me, the testimony of sense may be false, but the testimony of the Spirit must be true. We have the witness of the Spirit within, bearing witness with our spirits that we are born of God. There is such a thing on earth as an infallible assurance of our election. Let a man once get that, and it will anoint his head with fresh oil, it will clothe him with the white garment of praise, and put the son of the angel into his mouth. Happy, happy man! who is fully assured of his interest in the covenant of grace, in the blood of atonement, and in the glories of heaven! Such men there are here this very day. Let them ‘rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice.’ What would some of you give if you could arrive at this assurance? Mark, if you anxiously desire to know, you may know. If your heart pants to read its title clear it shall do so ere long. No man ever desired Christ in his heart with a living and longing desire, who did not find Him sooner or later. If thou hast a desire, God has given it thee. If thou pantest, and criest, and groanest after Christ, even this is His gift; bless Him for it. Thank Him for little grace, and ask Him for great grace. He has given thee hope, ask for faith; and when He gives thee faith, ask for assurance; and when thou gettest assurance, ask for full assurance; and when thou hast obtained full assurance, ask for enjoyment; and when thou hast enjoyment, ask for glory itself; and He shall surely give it thee in His own appointed season.”
“Trying to have faith in ourselvesIs like looking for our glassesAnd finding themUpon our head.When we seek blessings, salvation, graceWe make the mistakeOf looking all around usInstead of going inside ourselves to findEverything we need.”