All Quotes By Tag: Spiritual
“Sansar (worldly life) has been alive by imitating the movements of the world, and is liberated by opposing it.”
“Action is bondage in itself. Action is not needed to attain moksha (liberation). Gnan kriya (activity of the Self to See and Know) is required for moksha. Agnan kriya (Activity of the non-Self) is bondage. Activities done with egoism is called Agnan kriya, and activities done without egoism is called Gnan kriya.”
“Without the attainment of Soul (Self-realization), there is no place that is worth having a fanatic attachment to a viewpoint. It is not worth holding on, or being stuck at a single place.”
“Agnan (ignorance of the Self) creates vibration, and the Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) stops the vibration.”
“Gnanyog (Union with true Knowledge) is the ‘Established Principle’, while Triyog (union with mind, speech and body) is ‘non-principle’.”
“Verified Gnan (knowledge) is not just called gnan. Verified gnan is called ‘established principle’.”
“Gnan’ (knowledge) may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have Gnan but lack ‘correctness’; you will attain moksha (liberation), but others will not gain any benefit!”
“What is pudgal (non-Self complex made up of mind-speech-body)? It is influx and outflow; it is credit and debit. And if you ‘know’ the Soul (get Self-realized), you will attain liberation.”
“Nature” is another name for the miracles that are so commonplace in our lives that we take for granted and have grown used to seeing them.”
“the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.”
“Loving oneselfIs the most primalOf all survival mechanisms”
“And watch two men washing clothes,one makes dry clothes wet. The other makes wet clothes dry. they seem to be thwarting each other, but their work is a perfect harmony.Every holy person seems to have a different doctrine and practice, but there’s really only one work.”
“Faith changes us – faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves.”
“Be soul-conscious not self-conscious. Self-consciousness is egocentric and soul-consciousness is spiritual.”
“Soul receives from soul that knowledge, therefore not by book nor from tongue. If knowledge of mysteries come after emptiness of mind, that is illumination of heart.”