All Quotes By Tag: Success
“The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and the most effective as it will initiate the direction you have chosen.”
“If obstacles are large, jump higher.”
“The problem is us. We don’t look up to people who have made it in life to inspire us. Wanting to know how they made it. Instead, we look down to people who have failed in trying to make it. That we don’t want to start or try for ourselves because we don’t want to end up like them.”
“If not now, when?”
“There are three types of people in this world. Firstly, there are people who make things happen. Then there are people who watch things happen. Lastly, there are people who ask, what happened? Which do you want to be?”
“When a person wants something. He/She makes a plan. When a person does not want something. He/She makes excuses.”
“Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.”
“Compete like you cannot fail.”
“your right standing with God and your connection to Him remains your strongest defense in the day of calamity.”
“Being poor in the Spirit means you are humble, gentle, meek, God-fearing,kind and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit but being Spiritually poor is lacking in every thing that pertains to life and godliness.”
“When the Prince comes into your life, you will stop thinking and start reasoning.”
“Set out time to worship God in your closet, give Him quality praise and watch Him raise you.”
“He would never again need anything from his mother and father but their love.”
“Try to turn as many soft, aspirational goals as possible into success criteria, and make them specific enough that you can actually tell whether or not you’ve met them.”
“It doesn’t matter how wealthy you may be in material things, what matters is do you know what to do with those wealth?”