All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Everybody achieves success in life—a blessed few early in their careers, the rest of us when we lower our standards”
“We must thank to all the failed people in the history as they showed us the true way to success!”
“Result of HARDWORK Is Neither Friends Nor Enemy,To the AGE Of the ACHIEVER!”
“Nothing is impossible, Everything should be possible when we trying for achieve the goal”
“I shall not dwell in the past…I shall not dread the present…I shall not fear the Future…For as Long as I live…I shall only think of success.”
“Some of you may be perfectly happy with mediocrity. Some of you will get nothing but heartbreak. Some of you will be heralded as geniuses and become huge. Of course, all of you think that one describes you…hence the delusion necessary to push on.”
“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.”
“When every minute of your day is planned & you are packed for days, you shall soon realize that the pain of past fades, vision of life gets clearer and all that seemed to poison your life Ceases to exist.”
“No matter how loud the sirens or how numerous the hazard signs, we all touch the flames at least once to prove they’re hot.”
“Success comes to us when we have a burning desire to achieve and we focus our full power on achieving that.”
“I’ve never considered the possibility of defeat. I’ve never planned for it. That’s the job for those people who plan for such things. My job is to only plan for success…victory; it has my complete focus.”
“COMPETITOR is one who can steal a few deals, but, the pinch of which, A VISIONARY Never feels…!”
“Have nuts and be nuts.”
“WINNER:is A Runner who “Wins Inspite Of Ninety Nine ExcellentRunners!”
“This just gets worse and worse,” Rob Pierre sighed as he skimmed Leonard Boardman’s synopsis of his latest gleanings from the Solarian League reporters covering the PRH. “How can one person—one person, Oscar!—do this much damage? She’s like some damned elemental force of nature!””Harrington?” Oscar Saint-Just quirked an eyebrow and snorted harshly at Pierre’s nodded confirmation.”She’s just happened to be in the right places—or the wrong ones, I suppose, from our perspective—for the last, oh, ten years or so. That’s the official consensus from my analysts, at least. The other theory, which seems to have been gaining a broader following of late, is that she’s in league with the Devil.”