“Never again the music blown as brightlyOff of my heart as foam blown off a wave;Never again the melody that lightly Caressed my grief and healed the wounds it gave.Never again–I hear my dark thoughts clashingSullen and blind as waves that beat a wall–Age that is coming, summer that is going,All I have lost or never found at all.”

“A tissue is evidently an enduring thing. It’s functional and structural conditions become modified from moment to moment. Time is really the fourth dimension of living organisms. It enters as part into the constitution of a tissue. Cell colonies, or organs, are events which progressively unfold themselves. They must be studied like history.”

“Project stacking is the art of creating projects that multi-task for you, so you don’t have to.”

“L’homme grandit au même temps que ça mission!”

“The man grows up at the same time as this mission!”

“Ah forever!” I said. “I have such a love of that word, forever.””Yes, it is a timeless word,” he said, raising his mossy eyebrows as he looked at me. “Time is ours, but forever belongs to God, don’t you think?”

“You see her as you see anyone in this world: distorted, warped, reflected, refracted, contorted, mutilated by time.”

“Per me non è stato affatto un giorno sprecato. è stato meraviglioso, al punto che ho desiderato che il tempo si fermasse.”

“Avanti! Devo fare un passo avanti! M… Muoviti, tempo della mia vita!”

“Time can be measurable . Its value can not be measurable”

“time was an idea for which he no longer had any need.”

“How incredibly exciting this one meaningless thing can be, this life of yours.”

“As he heard a brief click, Ralf thought about what had happened in that moment which had already passed. For just one hundredth of a second, the shutter had opened and photons had flooded into the dark box. They did not move in lines but everywhere at once, so that some might have travelled from Ralf’s face to the end of the beach and back. They went so quickly that, from the perspective of light, the rest of the universe remained at a standstill. For Ralf and Elsa, time was slipping by irrecoverably, but for that single hundredth of a second, the celluloid recorded its bombardment, like the sooty negatives of objects and people, scorched onto the façades of buildings in bombings. The celluloid had ceased to interact with the world, a carpaccio of time, a leaf of the past brought into the present, where Ralf and Elsa stood together, still.”

“There is something in every creature born that transcends its time and place of birth,”

“Time is a river that carries us along. We have to leave everything behind.”