“For a long time, I was the girl who believed nothing good would ever come her way. So much so that I could will the negative to come before the good could even make it to my location.”

“I believe a writer is…the scribe-griot of his/her nation. S/he has the power to incite, ignite, excite, pacify, edify, motivate and eliminate others with the slash of a pen, click of a mouse or swipe of a finger. Though coloured by time, class, age, geography, childhood and other factors, a writer crystallises a slice of his/her society’s culture, mores and its dark and light truths. A writer makes everything real.”

“Writing this book took almost as much growth as living the life necessary to put the words down on the page.”

“Those stories- myth, archetype, religious narrative, the great body of literature- are always with us. Always in us. We can draw upon them, tap into them, add to them whenever we want.- Foster, How to Read Literature Like a Professor”

“The journey to my writing success is trying yet I will arrive, for I believe in the author of my inspiration.”

“The only time I really feel the urge to compose myself it’s when I’m writing or speaking.”

“I never had any doubts about my abilities. I knew I could write. I just had to figure out how to eat while doing this.[Cormac McCarthy’s Venomous Fiction, New York Times, April 19, 1992]”