“You must choose what you do with your time. You must not just do things because everybody is doing them.”

“Your gifts, talents, and calling will help you to know what you must do.”

“Self-discovery is the key to knowing what to do with your life.”

“The starting point for greatness is to know what to do with your life.”

“It is rather your limitation that decides to what extent of greatness and to what height you are going to arise in this life. Your level of promotion in life is determined by how much you know.”

“Most people on the face of the earth do not know what to do with their time.”

“The majority of people on earth are ignorant of what their time should be used for.”

“It is your gifting and talents that dictates to you what to do.”

“The only thing that is limiting me and you from attaining anything in life is what we know or what we don’t know.”

“The reason why one man is great and another man is living in mediocrity is simply because one understood the value of time while the other did not.”

“Our world is structured in such a way for you not to even know and for you not to even be told and for you not to even think about it that your life is disappearing gradually and that you are left only with very little life and time.”

“To not know what to do during the vacations is just a proof that society and the school system has stolen your life from you.”

“Don’t live your life not knowing what to do with your time.”

“It is a pity that dead men are still impacting the world while men who are still alive are wasting away, roaming the world without an understanding of what to do with their time.”

“Don’t live your life not to know what to do with your time. If you don’t have any results to show for all your passing time, then you must have been trivializing time and you must have been living your life carelessly.”