“Remember when you are about to do something great or big. Giving up is always the first and the easiest option. Don’t fall for it, it wants to trap you from your brighter and better successful future.”

“Poor minds believe you are rich when you are spending too much and not saving. Learn to invest and save money in everything you do, because life is costly. Spending too much and buying expensive things doesn’t mean you are rich. You should save as much as you can, rather than spending more than you can afford.”

“Rejection is a test on how strong you are, not how bad you are. Every rejection should make you to take an action rather than to give up.”

“I cant believe that you still value beef, fighting amongst each other, hating one another. Mean while everyday we lose one of our own and one of our best. We should value each other. Each time, we should celebrate one another, because we don’t know if this is the last time we see each other.”

“To lovers out there…Be careful of those friends who help you to cheat better ,rather than helping you to love better. Those are not friends to keep.”

“Hate makes someone who stays in a big mention to stalk someone who stays in a shack, because people who hate don’t see what they have and don’t appreciate what they have.”

“Don’t get involved , interfere or put your nose in other people problems, relationships, lifestyle and business. If you are not providing a solution.”

“There is no standard in creativity , but there are guidelines. Never limit yourself. Go wild and create what you see and feel is right. I believe there is no wrong art as long it comes from within. Those who object what you created don’t understand your art. It doesn’t mean your creativity is wrong. Sometimes it takes times for people to understand and to adopt to something new. Don’t doubt yourself or give up, because of negative comments on your craft.”

“Choose to consume technology ,but don’t be consumed by it. Most of us technology have already turned us into robots .We have no signs of being humans. We are heartless, We have no feelings, no shame, no remorse, no beliefs, no respect, no guilty conscious, no life, no sympathy, no care, no time , no morals, no culture, no religion , no faith. We don’t value others people. We cyber bully others and do disguising inhuman things for trends. Pride ourselves in destroying others lives, careers, education, relationship, marriage, future. The things we do for retweets, likes and comments are shocking. Choose to be a better human being than being a Bot.”