All Quotes By Tag: Fear
“Then hope unlooked-for came so suddenly to Eomer’s heart, and with it the bite of care and fear renewed, that he said no more, but turned and went swiftly from the hall.”
“If Christ taught us anything it is this — not to let our fear of death keep us from doing the good thing.”
“Fear not! Uncertainty is the fertile ground of endless possibilities.”
“When you feel stressed or depressed, you fear that you will not be able to fulfill your desires.”
“One factor that makes human being reluctant to have hope is the fear of disappointment.Do not be afraid of disappointment! The more you afraid of it, the smaller your expectation.Face and overcome the disappointment, even though it felt bitter in soul and pain in body.If you go through and pass it, then your soul and body will be stronger than previous level.When hope emerged, change will occur because of that, both in your soul and in your body.Fear of disapointment is a main enemy of good hope and great change within the human being.Only by facing and overcoming the fear of disapointment, man will become stronger and wiser. ~Salah satu faktor yang membuat manusia enggan untuk berharap adalah rasa takut akan kecewa.Jangan takut dengan kekecewaan! Semakin engkau takut menghadapinya, semakin kecil pengharapanmu.Hadapi dan lawanlah rasa kecewa, meskipun terasa pahit di jiwa dan terasa sakit di tubuh.Jika engkau mampu dan lulus, maka jiwa dan tubuhmu akan lebih kuat dari kondisi sebelumnya.Ketika harapan muncul, perubahan akan terjadi, baik dalam jiwa maupun dalam tubuh manusia.Rasa takut akan kecewa adalah musuh utama pengharapan yang baik dan perubahan yang agung dalam diri manusia.Hanya dengan menghadapi dan melalui rasa takut akan kecewa, seseorang dapat menjadi lebih kuat dan bijaksana.”
“الدرس الذى تعلمته -بعد سنوات طويلة- هو أن أفترض فى كل مأزق أننى سأخرج منه سالماً من ثم أحتفظ بوضوح وترتيب فكرى، إن الهلع لا يجدى .. والموت هو ميعاد مكتوب لن يغيره حذرى ولا رعبى، فإذا جاء .. فلأمت كرجل مبتسماً واثقاً.”
“There are six reasons anyone does anything: Love. Faith. Greed. Boredom. Fear…” he said, ticking them off on his fingers; but he lingered on the last, drawing a deep breath before he said, “Revenge.”
“You cannot unsee what has been seen once the veil is lifted, Reverend Olumide says in church. We cannot return to the garden of Eden. When I meet with him he says I need to confront my fears, that the devil torments us with that which scares us most. So, I cross the line between the blue hallways tiles and the white locker-room floor and navigate my way to locker umber thirty-two.”
“You cannot unsee what has been seen once the veil is lifted, Reverend Olumide says in church. We cannot return to the garden of Eden. When I meet with him he says I need to confront my fears, that the devil torments us with that which scares us most. So, I cross the line between the blue hallways tiles and the white locker-room floor and navigate my way to locker number thirty-two.”
“Faith has won it! Fear has lost it! When you get full of faith, the devil gets filled with fear! Keep your faith in light every day and you will keep the devil in fright always!”
“I’m a man who believes that I died 20 years ago. And I live like a man who is dead already. I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything.”
“The truth is that I feel totally helpless, or totally inconsolable, to be more honest. I’m not trying to hide it, but it’s something you’re not to worry about.”
“For many, the search for Jesus is initiated from experiencing an event in life so powerful, it awakens the dragons of faith; from pain so deep, it calls on the hidden fears of the soul in an effort to survive. For others it means a serious personal life survey that ultimately forces the confrontation with the futility, anesthetics, and despair in their lives.”
“Fear is not the truth of life, but it is the truest fiction of our lives.”
“Fear of God is a beginning of knowledge.The fear lessened on a higher knowledge.Walk with God is on the top of knowledge.”