“Yes! I am Zarathustra the Godless! These teachers of submission! Wherever there is anything small and sick and scabby, there they crawl like lice; and only my disgust stops me from cracking them.”

“Have you ever thought what it means to have free will in terms of religion? Imagine that God created you with a gay brain, and then expects you to be a heterosexual, but not homosexual, because you have free will to choose the ‘right way’.”

“God did not create man to live in sorrow because of his past mistakes, He created him to recreate the future he want for himself, his spouse, his children and his children’s children.”

“Kama miaka 1000 ya duniani ni sawa na siku moja ya Mungu; hivyo basi, miaka 930 aliyoishi Adamu ni sawa na siku 0.93 au saa 22:32 za Mungu. Kwa hiyo, ili siku ya Mungu itimie Adamu alipaswa kuishi miaka 70 (siku 0.07 au saa 1:68) zaidi! Ukiidadavua saa 1:68 unapata saa 2:08. Kulingana na muda wa mbinguni tunapaswa kuishi kwa muda wa saa 2:08! Muda huo ni mfupi sana.”

“I sense a learning: that much dumber people than you end up in charge. Look at the way things are. I’m no fucken genius or anything, but thesespazzos are in charge of my every twitch. What I’m starting to think is maybe only the dumb are safe in this world, the ones who roam with the herd,without thinking about every little thing. But see me? I have to think about every little fucken thing.”

“Lovely God please keep the bad part of me aside”

“She was not a Christian in the accepted sense; she did not believe that God had ever worked among us as a young artisan.”

“Why do “THEY” keep saying that JESUS was GOD?, do YOU know THAT you can BE Wrong if you EXAM yourself? Check OUT these VERSES — ((( 1. Matthew 24:36, 2. Matthew 26:39, 3. John 5:26, 4. John 5:30 , 5. John 5:19 , 6. Mark 10:18, 7. John 14:28 , 8. Matthew 6:9 , 9. Matthew 27:46 , 10. John 17:21-23, 11. 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 , 12. Hebrews 1:3 , 13. Hebrews 4:15 (compared with James 1:13) , 14. Hebrews 5:7-9 ))) — and remember THERE are 100 + Verses in OLD/NEW testaments that JESUS said He is NOT GOD! but remember with all our differences, i still prefer to respect you for who YOU are! No MATTER if you believe him as GOD! Hope you all respect us TOO, sadly you DON’T.”

“To thine beautiful unawares beloved deity, in one’s benevolent craft, each of us must reveal our own truth.”

“When it comes to my life, I may chase the pay-off of the moment or I may pay-it-forward into my future. Yet, being ‘righteous’ in these choices may grant me neither so that God might grant me everything.”

“Ukijidharau unadharau uwezo ambao Mungu alikuwekea ndani yako.”

“An hour sitting with a pretty girl on a park bench passes like a minute, but a minute sitting on a hot stove seems like an hour.”

“It’s amazing to observe numerous dull beings with some illusion of knowledge around you. In their mind, they know that God exists, but even if it is not case that God exists, they would still believe it. In their mind, they know that some political ideologies express objectivity, but even if it is not case that these ideologies express objectivity, they would still believe them. In their mind, they know that some historical facts are true, but even if it is not case that these facts are true, they would still believe them. Whatever is in their mind is merely belief but not knowledge. The paradox of knowledge emerges when a person confuses knowledge with belief.”

“Ali bilo mi je žao boga. On nema živaca i on je kič.”

“The existence of God is a matter of feeling! It is not a formula of algebra that we sit down and prove! If we carefully observe the humans, animals, nature etc., then the existence of God can certainly be felt. Say, I mentioned in one of my Facebook posts that the 4 fingers of our hands are located side by side but one finger, that is, the thumb is much away from other fingers, structurally small and much different compared to other fingers. Now, it would be foolishness to say that the location of the thumb is such by coincidence. God knows it well that if all the fingers in the hands were of same size and structure, then it would be rather difficult or impossible for us to hold anything or do any work! So, He placed the thumb of our hands in the distance. It would be clearer if I explain it in a different way. As the parents become exceedingly cautious about the newly born baby, its spontaneous feeding, walking, talking etc. are carefully monitored by them, likewise, God has given the specific formation, shape and structure to the humans and all the animals by keeping their overall well-being, advantages and easiness in mind!”