“With trust in God, we can triumph in times of troubles.”

“If God has given us life, He is capable of any other thing.”

“The sacred soul is full of God’s spirit.”

“God is the giver of life.”

“God you are so good, you gives what is needful.”

“I trust God that through all life changes , He is in control.”

“Just as a child is freely given, so is God’s grace.”

“Education without the knowledge of the Holy One is the darkest doom.”

“Hate sin. Love righteousness of God.”

“Bless God who gives you life.”

“Grace is freely given by God, in sacred moment of salvation.”

“Just as is child is conceived in a womb of a woman, miraculously, so is grace freely given by God, in sacred moment of salvation.”

“Grace is freely given by God.”

“Thank God for all my troubles, he made me trust in Him.”