“It’s not about country, it’s about feeling at home inside yourself. It’s not about culture its about sympathizing with our forefather Adam by connecting with our brothers/sisters in humanity to help us return to what he lost, all life is longing for the only source that can never run out or reach a threshold, God.”

“There is no god like God.”

“But as he listened to the moans and cries of those around him, he understood that hope was not a concept of faith meant to bring man closer to God but one of denial and delusion meant to keep him from accepting that God did not exist.”

“I need hope in something a lot bigger than me, for if I’m as good as it gets then I’m in big trouble.”

“The degree of the darkness that we’re experiencing today is nothing more than an indicator of how bright the coming light is going to be. And if we look at it that way, does it ever really get that dark?”

“If I’m only looking at an ending, I’ll assume that an ending is all that there is. And without a doubt, that kind of assumption is the beginning of the end.”

“Maybe every now and then I need something ‘unbelievable’ to happen to help make that which is ‘believable’ a place where I start, but not a place where I stop.”

“I can live a life anticipating beginnings or survive a life dreading endings. So maybe I should begin ending the dreading.”

“If I have faith, what I see as a wall in front of me is in reality a door that will soon be behind me.”

“Light is somewhere at the End, to guide you not to blind you!”

“Despite how dark it might be, what is tonight but the precursor to tomorrow?”

“With God, brokenness is nothing more than the stage upon which the impossible is about to happen.”

“I might not believe in the possibilities, but that in no way diminishes the realities of the opportunities.”

“And one thing you would never want to do is keep your children away from any Tree of Knowledge. How could you punish someone for learning right from wrong, especially when they didn’t know right from wrong when they did it? It is a sin to punish someone for learning, and that is something only an imaginary God would do. Instead, your people should grow an orchard of those trees, and eat of that fruit as a staple of their diet. Because whether as a God or simply as a parent, your greatest hope for your children would be that they will know right from wrong, and rather than worship you, and remain under you, you want them to surpass you. You want them to ascend above you, and achieve wisdom beyond the gods.”

“with limits, you have to know which ones you are supposed to accept, and which ones you must surpass. Do not waste your time trying to find the knowledge of the universe, that is Gods place and you cannot surpass it. Do spend time getting better at what you are good at and trying out what you are bad at. Limits are either for protection, or for shattering. There is no ‘in between’. If there was, I highly doubt the world would be like it is today.”