All Quotes By Tag: God
“It seems that our refusal of God evidences our belief in Him, for why would we need to refuse something that doesn’t exist?”
“A sunset is the end of a day now passed. Yet, for some reason we get caught in the reality of the descending dark verses the anticipation of a rising dawn.”
“Don’t be fooled. Greatness is not the catalyst of great change. Rather, the catalyst of great change is the common man deciding to walk with the uncommon God. Therefore, all of us are only one decision away from changing everything.”
“I am made in the image of God. Therefore, if I don’t know God I can’t know me.”
“Veda is in the form of Gnan [spiritual knowledge] and God is in the form of Vignan [spiritual science].”
“We error in our ways for lack of knowledge of the Truth of God.”
“It is the nature of the physical self (Pudgal, Mind-Body-Speech) to worship. ‘Brahma same brahma latka kare’ (in front the Pure Soul, the God within; the physical self (Pudgal, Mind-Body-Speech) dances). If we remove our Faults, crookedness, then the physical self (Pudgal, Mind-Body-Speech) will do worship.”
“He who observes the Prakruti (Relative Self) is Purush (The Real Self, Soul). He who has finished observing the Prakruti is the Parmatma (Absolute Supreme Soul).”
“Any man who behaves arrogantly with what little he knows, or claims to know all, only reveals to all that he really knows nothing. Real greatness does not reside inside those who feel large. The truly wise are meek. Yet being small and meek do not make one weak. Arming oneself with true knowledge generates strong confidence and a bold spirit that makes you a lion of God. The Creator does not want you to suffer, yet we are being conditioned by society to accept suffering, weak and passive dispositions under the belief that such conditions are favorable by God. Weakness is not a virtue praised by God. How could he desire for you to be weak if he tells us to stand by our conscience? Doing so requires strength. However, there is a difference between arrogance when inflating your ego, and confidence when one truly gets closer to God. One feels large, while the other feels small. Why? Because a man of wisdom understands that he is just a small pea in a sea of infinite atoms, and that in the end — we are all connected. And did you not know that the smaller a creature is, the bolder its spirit?”
“Sansar (worldly life) has been alive by imitating the movements of the world, and is liberated by opposing it.”
“When it comes to what God’s doing in our lives, sometimes knowing everything kills everything. And if I kill everything, then knowing everything doesn’t matter.”
“Only God has the Absolute Truth. He has broken it into pieces and distributed it among those yearning for it, so we may always need one another.”
“The difference between ignorance and knowledge is conversion”
“What makes people different is because of what they know”
“When I was young, I said to God, ‘God, tell me the mystery of the universe.’ But God answered, ‘That knowledge is for me alone.’ So I said, ‘God, tell me the mystery of the peanut.’ Then God said, ‘Well George, that’s more nearly your size.’ And he told me.”