All Quotes By Tag: Happiness
“Tout bonheur est un chef-d’oeuvre: la moindre erreur le fausse, la moindre hésitation l’altère, la moindre lourder le dépare, la moindre sottise l’abêtit.”
“Sonnez, grelots; sonnez, clochettes; sonnez, cloches!Car mon rêve impossible a pris corps et je l’aiEntre mes bras pressé : le Bonheur, cet ailéVoyageur qui de l’Homme évite les approches,- Sonnez grelots; sonnez, clochettes, sonnez, cloches!Le Bonheur a marché côte à côte avec moi;Mais la FATALITÉ ne connaît point de trêve :Le ver est dans le fruit, le réveil dans le rêve,Et le remords est dans l’amour : telle est la loi.- Le Bonheur a marché côte à côte avec moi.”
“I will not talk of my own happiness,’ said he, ‘great as it is, for I think only of yours. Compared with you, who has the right to be happy?”
“As Tim followed me up the narrow stairwell, he playfully pinched my butt with every step, a pleasant (and painful–in a black-and-blue sort of way) reminder that all I had yearned for as a student twenty-five years before had come true, even if I hadn’t taken the time to notice it until now: I was happy. At twenty years old, had I articulated what I thought I needed in life, I would have probably said a big house, a successful husband, and a great career. Yet all I really needed for true happiness was the homeless, unemployed bus driver right behind me, pinching my butt every step of the way.”
“Pats cīnies, palīdz, domā, spried un sver,Pats esi kungs, pats laimei – durvis ver!”
“Happiness is what matters, feeling alive-not art or knowledge or money.”
“We need but little learning to live happily.”
“But to appear happy when I am so miserable — Oh! who can require it?”
“يبدو أننا أحياناً نفضل أن ندور حول رغباتنا بدلاً من الاعتراف بها لأنفسنا والمجاهرة بها، حتى لا نتحمل في سبيل ذلك بعض العناء كضريبة ضرورية لنيل ما نريد ،أو لأننا نغمغم لأنفسنا بما نرغب ونترقب من الأقدار أن تهبه لنا بغير أن نبدو نحن ساعين إليه أو متلهفين عليه لأننا نخجل أن نجاهر به و-“الخياط العظيم لا يقص كثيراً ” كما يقول المثل الصيني ،وإنما يمضي إلى هدفه المحدد بلا تردد فلا يقطع إلا ما يتطلبه تحقيق هذا الهدف أما نحن فإننا نقص في إتجاهات مختلفة وبعيدة عن الهدف الذي نتمناه صامتين وننتظر من يرغمنا على السعادة التي نعرفها ونريدها من أعماقنا”
“He found himself remembering how on one summer morning they two had started from New York in search of happiness. They had never expected to find it, perhaps, yet in itself that quest had been happier than anything he expected forevermore. Life, it seemed, must be a setting up of props around one – otherwise it was disaster. There was no rest, no quiet. He had been futile in longing to drift and dream, no one drifted except to maelstroms, no one dreamed, without his dreams becoming fantastic nightmares of indecision and regret.”
“Happy the hare at morning, for she cannot readThe hunter’s waking thoughts.”
“It’s one thing thinking something and another thing knowing it.”
“The positive vibrations of unregulated joy, peace, happiness and tranquility is freedom.”
“When you feel down and out you must reach up and out–to Spirit! Our strength will only resonate deep within your souls if you open your heart and minds with us.”
“If the entire world sought to make itself worthy of happiness rather than make itself happy, then the entire world would be happy.”