“It was amazing how many books one could fit into a room, assuming one didn’t want to move around very much.”

“I don’t know how you persist in being so stubborn-“”It’s a superpower. I was bitten by a radioactive mule.”

“…How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?””In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.”

“I feel about Photoshop the way some people feel about abortion. It is appalling and a tragic reflection on the moral decay of our society…unless I need it, in which case, everybody be cool.”

“We have just witnessed a classic example of what I like to call ‘misdirected rage’. I believe the technical term is being an ass.”

“Some things are fairly obvious when it’s a seven-foot skeleton with a scythe telling you them”

“You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it’s your last. Bullshit. Life is long. You’re probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you’re gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years.”

“The baby batScreamed out in fright,’Turn on the dark,I’m afraid of the light.”

“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.”

“It’s not that I want you to go, it’s just that I don’t want you to stay.” – China Sorrows -”

“We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.”

“To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.”

“If ruining the only religious icon I have leaves me vulnerable to Martian vampires, I’ll have to risk it.”

“See? Injustice. Here we are, risking our lives to rescue Kai and this whole planet, and Adri and Pearl get to go to the royal wedding. I’m disgusted. I hope they spill soy sauce on their fancy dresses.”Jacin’s concern turned fast to annoyance. “Your ship has some messed-up priorities, you know that?”“Iko. My name is Iko. If you don’t stop calling me the ‘ship,’ I am going to make sure you never have hot water during your showers again, do you understand me?”“Yeah, hold that thought while I go disable the speaker system.”“What? You can’t mute me. Cinder!”

“It is a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word.”