All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“I learned long ago that when change comes, you gotta slow down and take note of it. In the midst of that change is all the possibility in the world.”
“ليس الخلاص عندي في رفض الحياه ,فاني لأحس ضمه الحريه في عشرات المئات من قيود الملذات ,كلا..لن اغلق حواسي , ان مباهج النظر, والسمع واللمس ستحمل دائما طابع النعيم الاكبر , اجل ان كل اوهامي ستتقد لتكون انوارا في مهرجان الافراح وستنضج كل اشواقي لتكون ثمارا في ربيع الحب وهو موقف ايجابي من الحياه والطبيعه.”
“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
“You have to find your own shtick. A Picasso always looks like Picasso painted it. Hemingway always sounds like Hemingway. A Beethoven symphony always sounds like a Beethoven symphony. Part of being a master is learning how to sing in nobody else’s voice but your own.”
“Man is a slow, sloppy, and brilliant thinker; computers are fast, accurate, and stupid.”
“Mindfulness, also called wise attention, helps us see what we’re adding to our experiences, not only during meditation sessions but also elsewhere.”
“There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.”
“People will find transformation and transcendence in a McDonald’s hash brown if it’s all they’ve got.”
“I rather now strive to reach rather than wait to receive!”
“Don’t call yourself discouraged anymore;it’s no longer your name.”
“Don’t let any situation intimidate you anymore, don’t accept defeat anymore.”
“Dominate in your domain; You can do it.”
“You are not permitted to suffer what others suffer, you are not permitted to fail or die young.”
“You are not permitted to live and die as a non-entity because you have encountered the greatness that is associated with Christ.”
“Everyday of your life is a another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow.”