All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“I love you Daddy, not because you always loved my, because you are always living inside of me as an inspiration of my being.”
“Make it your mission to magnify people’s strengths, not to highlight their weaknesses.”
“The toughest gladiators in the world are not the best soldiers but the worst lovers”
“Peace is about going deeper in God. It’s about trusting him and yielding our worries and fears to the Holy Spirit – who is already at work inside us. It’s about placing our focus heavenward instead of fixing our focus on our struggles”
“It’s very important to understand why you do the things you do. Your understanding will make you work harder and be passionate, your lack of understanding will make you doubt and to give up on what you are doing.”
“Das menschliche Herz ist ein Monster. Euer Körper, eure Knochen und Rippen sind nichts weiter als sein Käfig.”
“Ao sairmos para o anoitecer dourado das ruas bizantinas, refleti como era estranho que, mesmo sob as circunstâncias mais extraordinárias, durante episódios mais perturbadores da vida, nos lugares mais distantes de casa e de tudo que nos é familiar, possam existir esses momentos de incontestável alegria.”
“Do not lose heart.”
“Never live life without a hope.”
“Success is not got in twinkling of an eye.”
“Don’t ever get discouraged, your effort may not be acknowledged but trust me it’s noticed.”
“Nurture your dreams to fruition, refuse to let the rot in reality.”
“Fret not, fret not.”
“When with meaning we walk – we go not where comfort resides, but where truth and love show in abundance.”
“Hope is the greatest gift and the greatest evil…Hope saved us and hope might yet kill us.”