“When your experience, qualifications, and skills fail you. Let your hope, prayer, and faith carry you through.”

“Hold onto your dreams”

“A thousand questions hung with the hopeful weight of a million bright bright stars, filling her with restless yearning. ~ “Vindication Across Time”

“All paths may wind again towards the light if hope survives the long night between.”

“The word of God is a true testimony of Jesus Christ.”

“There are only three ingredients to a different life: hope, a dream, and action.”

“Don’t keep your inner light to yourself. Let it shine.”

“The power of hope is stronger than any fear.”

“Life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about getting up and trying again.”

“Haters will always remain at the bottom, but winners will always remain at the top.”

“Creativity takes Imagination, Imagination takes Courage, Courage takes Curiosity, and Curiosity leads to Success.”

“Fireflies, to me, are nighttime butterflies, Dazzling the night with magical flashes of light. When I see these teeny tiny sparks dart in the night, I am overcome with a sense of comfort and calm, Same as when a butterfly flutters around me during the day. I’m drawn to the dance of both astonishing critters. They remind me of life. They remind me of hope.”

“In an attempt to fix a crooked world, she broke herself, her heart, and her sanity.”

“The more you do it, the easier it will be to repeat it. If you have many successes, it’s easier to have them again.”