“Life without a dream isn’t worth living, find your and dream on. Reach for the star. If you don’t make it, at least you try it. Don’t let anyone step between you and your dreams.”

“Πώς να προφυλαχτείς απ’ τους φοβητσιάρηδες;”

“Combat anime.”

“Our imperfections make us beautiful!”

“The same tree has different shades of green;Each leaf is unique, growing on the same twig.Some veins wiggle too much,Some networks- almost a mush.Blossoming buds of the same branchDo not take the same time to grow.Then how do you think you’d fit inIn this strange world, away from home?”

“Work hard. Work dirty. Choose your favourite spade and dig a small, deep hole; located deep in the forest or a desolate area of the desert or tundra. Then bury your cellphone and then find a hobby. Actually, ‘hobby’ is not a weighty enough word to represent what I am trying to get across. Let’s use ‘discipline’ instead. If you engage in a discipline or do something with your hands, instead of kill time on your phone device, then you have something to show for your time when you’re done. Cook, play music, sew, carve, shit – bedazzle! Or, maybe not bedazzle… The arrhythmic is quite simple, instead of playing draw something, fucking draw something! Take the cleverness you apply to words with friends and utilise it to make some kick ass cornbread, corn with friends – try that game. I’m here to tell you that we’ve been duped on a societal level. My favourite writer, Wendell Berry writes on this topic with great eloquence, he posits that we’ve been sold a bill of goods claiming that work is bad. That sweating and working especially if soil or saw dust is involved are beneath us. Our population especially the urbanites, has largely forgotten that working at a labour that one loves is actually a privilege.”

“Oftentimes, success happens when you give into it and when you make yourself available and open to opportunities.”

“Wherever is a place not yet established on planet Earth. Do not plan to take your ‘what’ there!”

“Take care not to stray into the negative swamp of “what ifs?” These will bog you and your goals down. The only “what-if” you can ask yourself is this one: “What if I succeed?”

“Holdups serve to help you learn more about what you are trying to achieve, push your boundaries and score a lot of small victories when you overcome all these unexpected hurdles.”

“It is not the ultimate achievement that makes you extraordinary; it is what you become on the way to that achievement that people celebrate. This is what fills 295 pages of your 300 page (auto)biography!”