All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“A star doesn’t need a lamp to find its way through the dark.”
“Every brick being thrown at me i will use to build my empire!”
“A smile is a blessing that needs no words.”
“The world exists only when “I” exist.”
“You have always been enough.”
“It is light’s beauty that reveals our ugly shadows.”
“If you see the beauty in others, God will bestow His beauty in you.”
“Don’t worry about losing yourself helping others; you find yourself there too.”
“It is better to endure a storm than to run to the wrong shelter.”
“Seeds are proof that God packages extraordinary miracles in ordinary things.”
“The world is full of many wonders; you are one of them.”
“Growth has been a constant part of my life and the getting up and editing out has been the hardest and most important part.”
“This book is about having the courage to stand in the ever-crooked room of black womanhood and summon the magic to set it straight. Even if only for a moment, the act alone heals you just enough for the next tilt of the room.”
“For a long time, I was the girl who believed nothing good would ever come her way. So much so that I could will the negative to come before the good could even make it to my location.”
“Life is a chessboard, don’t wait to be checkmated, make a move now!!!”