“Ashlei was free to spout off how much she loved her savior because Jesus was not about to rear back and tell her He did not quite feel the same way, that He had died for the sins of the world just because it was fun and did not want things to be too serious. He was only thirty-three, after all, and might want to martyr himself for other people.”

“Jesus Christ is three in one: the way, the truth, and the life.”

“I count everything loss, to gain anything under the power of grace in Jesus Christ.”

“The Saviour, sacrifice his life as offering for sin.”

“If you can only believe in the Jesus Christ, you will be saved.”

“Only Jesus Christ can change a soul to be a spiritual being.”

“Come to Jesus Christ just as you are, He change you.”

“Jesus Christ is the only Saviour.”

“The Lord Jesus Christ is the holy Lamb.”

“There is no foundation that can be laid by mere men other than solid foundation laid by the Son of Man.”

“The word of God is a true testimony of Jesus Christ.”

“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”

“Having faith is bravery. Faith requires no evidence, just tremendous strength of spirit and a mind that conquers doubt.”-Shenita Etwaroo”

“Our completeness is in Jesus Christ.”

“These early Saints were indeed homeless, but they were not hopeless. Their hearts were broken, but their spirits were strong. They had learned a profound and important lesson. They had learned that hope, with its attendant blessings of peace and joy, does not depend upon circumstance. They had discovered that the true source of hope is faith—faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His infinite Atonement, the one sure foundation upon which to build our lives.”