All Quotes By Tag: Motivational
“Many ideologies that promise liberty are only involved in advanced forms of captivity.”
“Believe in those who seek liberation, but not in those who promise liberty.”
“Great philosophy turns your life into a new art form.”
“Truth is a sport, and winner takes it all.”
“Humans want to know the meaning of life, but more than that they want this life to have a deeper meaning.”
“Philosophy loves it wild.”
“Infinity is experienced in ideas. Make the ideas of your life worth travelling the infinity.”
“Sometimes the best solution to make a revolution is your personal evolution. And sometimes your personal evolution is not possible without a revolution.”
“Life is an art of mystical combination.”
“What you think, believe and do makes all the difference.”
“Most of the beautiful things in the world are done effortlessly.”
“Ideally, no one is ‘wrong’ in their own perception. They only need the opportunity to explain themselves and help us in our effort to understand their perception. We need to take the interest to know why they see the reality the way they do.”
“When it comes to manifesting our desires it is up to us to be clear on what it is we want. Only then, will it become clear on why we want it!”
“In order to be happy, one must first let go of all pettiness and selfish attachments.”
“The greatest happiness in the world is in helping the people you don’t know and seeing them happy.”