“Be the type of person that leaves seeds of happiness in every other soul you encounter.”

“To be happy, pursue love as your highest goal.”

“Like a tree, let your roots ground you while your branches grow in many different directions with every new experience.”

“Everything that happens in life isn’t negative.”

“Life can be hard and beautiful and messy, but hopefully, it will be long. If it is, you will see that it’s unpredictable, and that the dark periods come, but they abate—sometimes with a lot of support—and the tunnel widens, allowing the sun back in.”

“No one has seen Him. Not even those who preach about Him. Yet we believe in Him. When we can so strongly believe in the one that no one has ever seen, then why can’t we believe in the ones that each one of us can see. Your wealth and your incantations don’t have the power to please Him. You cannot reach out to Him. But He can. Sincerely atone for your sins and rise above your flaws. And He shall seek you. Be good to those who are in distress. Be their hero. And god, the supreme Hero who lives above us all, shall Himself come to you.”

“Trust your inner judgment. Be prepared to work for what you know is right, but avoid the insufferable tragedies of running with the infectious, and you will have invaluable tools at your disposal for the rest of your life.”

“You must be hard on yourself and know when it’s time to quit, but you must be even more relentless when it comes to staying on the job and push through if that is what the situation is demanding.”

“You must learn how to separate a detrimental situation from which you must burn all the bridges from when you must partake in hard work that will provide you with desirable results, where you must persevere in pushing through to the end.”

“Do more of what makes your soul happy.”

“If you want to change the world Firstly,you will have to change yourself !!”

“In this life, I’ve accepted the hand I’ve been dealt, but that don’t mean I won’t try and steal a few extra cards.”

“As a black woman, the decision to love yourself just as you are is a radical act. And I’m as radical as they come.”

“Life is a beach. Don’t make spelling errors.”

“Believe in yourself, Give your best to everything and know that your one failure is not final.”