All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“Joy is the manifestation of the Creator’s Power, illumining a world in darkness.”
“Buddha has walked for an eternity, but his eternity is different from ours. Just as the footprints that he leaves. When we follow in his footsteps, each step of Buddha’s, is in itself, a universe of knowledge which can take many lifetimes for us to discover and learn about.Then, just as we have learnt about this universe and life of ours, we move on to the next step, and then that, too, becomes a new universe to learn about.It is a quest, and a learning experience which we will never finish, and it is one that I have no wish to.”
“When I talk with God, I create worlds.When I walk with Buddha, I share wisdom.When I listen to Allah, I preach understanding.And..When I think of Ganesh, I teach lessons.”
“I care not whether a man is Good or Evil; all that I care Is whether he is a Wise man or a Fool. Go! put off Holiness, And put on Intellect; or my thund’rous hammer shall drive thee To wrath, which thou condemnest, till thou obey my voice.”
“Let Buddha light your way with wisdom so that you may follow the right path for you.”
“Atheists are often asked to prove the nonexistence of a nonexistent thing, but religious hierarchies do far better: they abuse you with impunity, and profit from selling you many imaginary benefits of a panoply of nonexistent things.”
“It is the business of man to become acquainted with the material universe in all of its manifestations, so far as may be possible, in order to provide a foundation of knowledge on which the reasoning mind of man may increasingly build.”
“The worship of power is an old religion.”
“Wherein lies happiness? In that which becksOur ready minds to fellowship divine,A fellowship with essence; till we shine,Full alchemiz’d, and free of space. BeholdThe clear religion of heaven!”
“Not matter what your sacred or religious book is, it’s not how well you know the book, it’s how well you’re in alignment with the author.”
“Yes, Kālāmas, it is proper that your have doubt, that you have perplexity, for a doubt has arisen in a matter which is doubtful. Now, look you Kālāmas, do not be led by reports, or traditions, or hearsay. Be not led by the authority of religious texts, not by the delight in speculative opinions, nor by seeming possibilities, not by the idea: ‘this is our teacher’. But, O Kālāmas, when you know for yourself that certain things are unwholesome, and wrong, and bad, then give them up… And when you know for yourself that certain things are wholesome and good, then accept them and follow them.”
“Life is the only thing which can never be replaced when lost.”
“Are the great spiritual teachings really advocating that we fight evil because we are on the side of light, the side of peace? Are they telling us to fight against that other ‘undesirable’ side, the bad and the black. That is a big question. If there is wisdom in the sacred teachings, there should not be any war. As long as a person is involved with warfare, trying to defend or attack, then his action is not sacred; it is mundane, dualistic, a battlefield situation.”
“Some nonreligious people are disgruntled by the word “faith,” feeling that it has no connection to them. But we all have faith. Broadly speaking, “faith” does not apply only to belief in the supernatural. We have faith in our life, for example, believing we will live to see tomorrow, or in our health, believing we have years of healthy life ahead of us. Husbands and wives, parents and children have faith in one another.”
“جدارة الرسالات السامية تقاس عادة بما تحققه من سعادة للبشر تتمثل أول ما تتمثل في الأخذ بيد المضطهدين”