“I don’t know who he was,” Kavita flat-out states, “but whoever he was he sure did a number on you, didn’t he?”Mary leans forward to ensure he would see her deviant stare. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I did a number on him?”Kavita leans in closer as well, and with that same deviant expression, “Yes. I have.”

“The white lily stands for purity. Artists for centuries have pictured the angel Gabriel coming to the virgin Mary with a spray of lillies in his hand, to announce that she is to be the mother of the Turks.”

“You know,” Kavita begins, “I think I can pick out my own furniture. I am an artist after all. I do have some taste.””No you don’t.” Nick plainly states. “No man has taste. Besides, I didn’t pick it out, she did. Wives are good for things like that.”

“Just leave me alone, I want to be alone,” she said when Jack tried to open the car door. She hit the lock, and wound the window up. Since the roof was down, it was a fairly pointless exercise.”

“She had wanted more than she could have.She had wanted him, and more… she had wanted him to want her.In the name of something bigger than tradition, bolder than reputation, more important than a silly title.”

“I think I love you, Bennett. Probably not relevant at the moment so no need to say thanks.”

“She was an extension of his dreams. A sprinkling of magic dust, of unfeasible wishes, on his stable existence. The one thing-the one bright, marvelous thing-he wanted more than the world, but didn’t deserve. However much he was tortured for her sake, however much blood he had spilled to protect her, the bruises to his body and the thrashings to his sanity, it would never be enough to make a wretch like him worthy of such a miracle.”

“And your green eyes are the color of the hills- the color of my home.’ His voice dropped to a whisper. ‘Aye, there’s something about you, Lindsey Waters.”

“Lily looks back down at the necklace in her hand that Kavita had given her. “It must have cost a fortune.””It did.” He confirms. “Though not nearly as much as you’re worth.”Lily looks up at him. “Don’t say that. You hurt me everytime you speak.”

“I don’t know whether to toss you through that window or shake your hand and say ‘Well done'” Henry said in a tired voice.”

“Conn was a wickedly passionate, fiercely dominant man who loved her too much to ever really hurt her.”

“Honest to God, she was the noisiest woman he’d ever been shot at with.”

“I remembered Nahadoth’s lips on my throat and fought to suppress a shudder, only half succeeding. Death as a consequence of lying with a god wasn’t something I had considered, but it did not surprise me. A mortal man’s strength had its limits. He spent himself and slept. He could be a good lover, but even his best skills were only guesswork – for every caress that sent a woman’s head into the clouds, he might try ten that brought her back to earth.”

“A kiss is only as sweet as the heart that gives it.”

“He loves her for everything she is and is not. She’s old enough to appreciate that.”