“You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese.”

“Being in the habit of saying “Thank you,” of making sure that people receive attention so they know you value them, of not presuming that people will always be there–this is a good habit, regardless…make sure to give virtual and actual high-fives to those who rock and rock hard.”

“We knew each other to our fingertips. No, that’s not right. We only knew each other in our fingertips, and that was nothing at all, and for a while that was okay. We could have been a love story, a fairy tale, an indie film about high school and selective insanity featuring a boy of angel parts and a girl made of dreaming. We could have been all the best things: bracelets sliding down arms while shots slid down throats, laughter and crashing music in dark and flashing rooms, kisses that started hesitant but didn’t stay that way.”

“A man’s weakness is a woman’s beauty…a woman’s weakness is falling in love.”

“Alex es como un arma de destrucción masiva, pero con encanto.”

“Find the pitch and pace and syllables and words you love to hear. Delight your own senses, and self-romance.”

“Just take my hand, lead, dance with me…and I will simply follow the blueness of the water, the white waves rolling free…where the earth beneath my feet and stars make my heart whole again…in long and priceless moments of shared solitude…”

“Jenny: But surely Lord Blakely could not abandon his estates for so long.Gareth: No. Lord Blakely could not. Not unless he had someone he could trust to run his estates in his absence. And Lord Blakely…Well, Lord Blakely did not trust anyone.Jenny: Lord Blakely is talking about himself in the third person, past tense. Its disturbing.”

“I hated him, loved him, wanted him, and yet I wished him away. So many conflicting emotions of wants and needs. So much fear. Not because of him, but because of myself—of how deep my feelings and desires were running, and how much I would fall if I happened to lose my grip.”

“After 44 years of marriage, isn’t it amazing when you can look at your partner sound asleep next to you and still believe they have potential.”

“That made love—not grace—the magic ingredient. Then anew thought hit her. Perhaps love was grace. A shiver wentup her spine. What did that make anger? The antithesis ofgrace?”

“Ah, sweetie. If the poets couldn’t unriddle them, then you certainly can’t. Be kind, and keep your ears on offer if she wants to talk. But you can’t draw out the strangeness, Edgar. It’s not a poison.”

“Witch Baby wanted to ask Ping how to find her Jah-Love angel. She knew Raphael was not him, even though Raphael had the right eyes and smile and name. She knew how he looked–the angel in her dream–but she didn’t know how to find him. Should she roller-skate through the streets in the evenings when the streetlights flicker on? Should she stow away to Jamaica on a cruise ship and search for him in the rain forests and along the beaches? Would he come to her? Was he waiting, dreaming of her in the same way she waited and dreamed?”

“Strano come certi ridicoli rituali appaiano perfettamente sensati quando si è innamorati.”

“Max – “…Do me a favor, if the constable comes knocking, tell him I was here all morning, will you?”Dodsley – “Killed someone again, did we?”Max- “Never before luncheon, Dodsley. It’s still early yet.”