“History is a continuous battle between the “haves” and the “have-nots”. No matter if the “have-nots” think their shepherds.”

“To endeavor to understand the truth is like sparring bare-knuckle with confusion, frustration, and pain, or like entertaining the feelings of Van Gogh the moment before his demise. But to understand is like dancing with the emotions of Einstein when he discovered mass and energy have a bond, and to understand is to conquer the material world without unsheathing the tempered blade or firing the cannons.”

“Not too long ago, I set about examining the value system the manmade world influenced me to incubate. After opening it up and taking a closer look, to my surprise, I discovered it was virtually empty. The revelation was shattering. I felt like a squirrel that spent the entire summer gathering nuts to only realize, come winter, that the nutshells were empty. So, I did what any rebel would. I turned my hat to the back, assumed the position of the thinking man, and rebuilt my cognitive content. Today, I am a champion. Like “Money May” but of the consciousness.”

“Perhaps, those who wish for change are afraid of the loneliness and the ridicule that comes with questioning what most people believe is absolute. Maybe, they’re afraid of losing their material holdings in the battle to introduce the truth. Or perhaps, they’re yet to overcome the many sensual pleasures long enough to challenge and improve the world.Whichever it may be, I experienced all three, so I understand the obstacles that prevent the mind from challenging. To challenge is to sacrifice the mind and body. But to know and not step into the boxing ring is blasphemy.”

“Be where you are, and you will find the way. You lose your way when you lose your head.”

“You do not exist to serve the illusion. The illusion exists to serve you.”

“When happiness pours out of your heart, good pours out into the world.”

“You see God with your heart, not your eyes. You hear God with your soul, not your ears. You understand God with your mind, not your intellect. You touch God with your spirit, not your hands. You move God with your love, not your feet.”

“Manthra can be defined as an ornamental worship of the diety.”

“If you doubt the existence of God, look in the mirror, and if you are still in doubt after that, look within.”

“Whatever fear touches becomes frightful, whatever hate touches becomes pitiful, whatever love touches becomes wonderful, and whatever God touches becomes beautiful.”