All Quotes By Tag: Success
“All change and improvement begins with one person and that is you.”
“Courage doesn’t bring you success, but it lets you persist to face adversity with boldness and poise.”
“Action is the mother of all creation and the only way to succeed.”
“Action has power. For success, believe in yourself and take action.”
“Before taking part of any activity, ask yourself if this activity will bring you joy, if it is good and fruitful, and if it will bring you closer to achieving your goal. If the answer is not yes to at least one and preferably all of the questions, refrain from this activity.”
“You are bestowed with consciousness so that you can grow your own wings of imagination and fly away to your own unique destination.”
“To be a success, discuss ideas not idols. Focus on the possibilities of success not failure.”
“What you do today defines who you will be tomorrow, so choose your destination and take action.”
“For underdeveloped nations there is no better way to develop the nation than true education and empowerment of women.”
“Find your whole future by going deep inside of you. There is a blooming success that will only hasten when you discover the whole world inside of you.Tania Tome (C)”
“Praxis, cinequanon condition to make life a real existence.Make it happen.Tania Tome (c)”
“There are no shortcuts to excellence”
“No one is born with abilities; it comes from practice, persistence and perseverance.”
“Success loves boldness.”
“For success you don’t have to be fast and fearless, but you need persistence.”