“Indie authors who are successful are very successful. They can do everything to conceive, write, market, and bring to fruition the life of a book. Whereas a traditionally published author relies on their publisher for most of the publishing chain. When a traditional author tries to become indie, they are not as successful as an indie. This shows the strength is in the individual author itself. An indie author can bring much more to the table because of their indie spirit. And when you combine the drive for success and survival as a business for indies who have a family to support with their book sales, an indie author who is successful and driven by their need to survive (like me), they are UNSTOPPABLE! – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“When you have the Stellah Mupanduki healing, moulding, cleansing and protecting books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God; your way of thinking and speaking changes because you will start to feel well and you regain strength as you read. You will know you will be very fine, and you will not worry too much because you will know that you will not die but live and bless your family with your presence and give them peace…yeah, be with your family in Christ. You will know that your days are not numbered in short, you will know and understand that you have longevity, that in Christ, you will live long. So talk about your life and not death whatever you are going through or whatever you perceive to be true in your own human intelligence. Move away from nodding to death and stop welcoming the spirit of death. Keep it away from your lipsl, when you speak, talk about about your life as progressing in the normal way, in the name of Jesus Christ…”

“Success is not what you accomplish in life, it is about how you inspire others to succeed.”

“Despite fear, don’t forget to try, for you have to try to succeed.”

“Down with, “Fake it, till you make it.”Up with, “Make it so you don’t have to fake it!”

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.”

“Patience is the slow road to success”

“He felt that to succeed here the idea of success must grasp and limit his mind.”

“Even a trillion dollars is made up of cents.”

“Allowing success is the opposite of forcing success.”

“Captivate the attention of your customer by oozing credibility.”

“যদি তুমি পড়ে যাও, উঠো। আবার পড়েছো? আবারো উঠো! পড়ো, উঠো!”

“Our failures are way less likely than our successes to be ignored by our enemies.”

“I did not become famous but I got near enough to smell the stench of success. It smelt like burnt cloth and rancid gardenias, and I realized that the truly awful thing about success is that it’s held up all those years as the thing that would make everything all right. And the only thing that makes things even slightly bearable is a friend who knows what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t let the indecision of others distract you.”