All Quotes By Tag: The-past
“You’re everything to me. But at best, I’m just a memory to you.”
“I know he wasn’t perfect…But he did the best impression of it I’ve ever seen.”
“A kiss….….. is just a kiss….Until it’s all you reminisce.(Then the memory becomes your most treasured possession.)”
“I need to stop running back to you in my mind all the time.”
“With you in my life I felt like I could conquer anything.It was as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp.But without you …. even getting through the day is hard.”
“When I was with him suddenly I wasn’t this broken person anymore.I was just me.I was whole again.I was just a person – like everyone else.”
“I still remember that feeling of walking somewhere confidently, seeing him mid stride and putting my foot down just fine… but feeling like I stumbled.”
“I’d never dreamed anybody could love me the way he did. And even when he proved it to me time and again – I still could hardly believe it was true.”
“It’s the intricate details you miss the most. For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe – but I would know it if I saw it again.It was the look that gave him away.I’d know that look anywhere…It used to be my everything.”
“Every quote, every book, every film seemed to suggest that ‘one day’ someone would come into my life and love me with an intensity and a passion I had never experienced before. And to their credit they were right; It all came and went so fast it really did feel as if it were just ‘one day’….”
“He looked at me like I was the stars when all I’d ever felt like was the dark nothingness between them.”
“Once there was magic, wandering free in roads of sky and paths of seaand in that timeless long gone hourwords of nonsense still had power doors still flew and birds still talked witches grinned and giants walked we had magic wands and magic wings and we lost our hearts to impossible things Unbelievable thoughts, unsensible ends for wizards and warriors might be friends.In a world where impossible things are true, I don’t know why we forgot the spellwhen we lost the wayhow the forest fellbut now we are old, we can vanish too.And I see once more the invisible track that will lead us home and take us backso find your wands and spread your wings I’ll sing your love of impossible thingsand when you take my vanished hand, we’ll both go back to that magic land where we lost our hearts several lifetimes agowhen we were wizards, once.”
“The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes.Breathing your air…. touching your skin…… Saying goodbye….The last time I felt alive…. I was dying.”
“…the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you.Some people might find that strange.But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.”
“I had someone once who made every day mean something.And now…. I am lost….And nothing means anything anymore.”