“For a long time I have been fascinated by the idea that the world, as I experience it, only exists in my mind. It is the sum of the sensory inputs made real by my brain and experienced by my mind. Your world is entirely different.”

“Peter has learned the difficult animal skill of doing nothing. He’s learned to unshackle himself of the race of time and contemplate time itself. [..] It’s a lesson hard learned, just to sit there and be.”

“I lose the grip of time when I search for its delusional existence.”

“She had learned, long ago and in the intervening years when she was apart from all she loved, that to endure the most troubling times she had to break down time itself–one carefully crafted stitch after the other. If consideration of what the next hour might hold had been too difficult, then she thought only of another half and hour.”

“Parla abbastanza a lungo con qualcuno e tirerà fuori la storia del tempo. Ma il tempo non guarisce veramente le ferite, non allontana affatto il dolore – fa il contrario. Il tempo dà altro tempo alla ferita d’infettarsi e dà a noi il tempo di tornare sui luoghi di quel dolore.È come l’infanzia, in fondo. Si dice che si cresce, ci si lasciano alle spalle certe cose, ma non è così: l’infanzia cresce insieme a noi, ce la portiamo avanti. Viviamo e non facciamo altro che rivivere quelle paure e quei piaceri, quelle scoperte e quegli abbandoni. Specialmente quegli abbandoni. Veniamo abbandonati, delusi, traditi dalle stesse persone per anni – per sempre. Allora a che serve dire che è passato del tempo?In che modo dovrebbe aiutarci?”

“It’s just a memory of another time and place. Memories can’t hurt anyone, unless they are shared.”

“It was not Hansu that she missed, or even Isak. What she was seeing again in her dreams was her youth, her beginning, and her wishes–so this is how she became a woman.”

“This thing I’m doing can hardly be called living. Instead I’m lying dormant, like a bacterium in a glacier. Getting time over with. That’s all.”

“He’d scorned the Earth, but she kept spinning anyway.”

“Time says “Let there be”every moment and instantlythere is space and the radianceof each bright galaxy.And eyes beholding radiance.And the gnats’ flickering dance.And the seas’ expanse.And death, and chance.”

“All the pain I put you throughImploded, exploded and demolished youWhat did you do to deserve all thisBut love me, this endlessly broken abyss ?!Now, nothing have I becomeI’ve lost myself and have gone numbAnd here I am wondering How you are and how you’ve beenAre you happy through all the pain?Did you manage to break that chainThe One from which you suffocated When I ended us, unappreciated Has your heart at all mendedFrom all the blows I extended?Do I ever cross your mind?Do you still hate me, after all this time?I am deserving of all of thisOf all the pain and lack of blissI became the reason whyYour glowing eyes still cry and cryI won’t ask for your forgiveness My lack of you is my deepest illnessForgiveness given to me would be a crimeBut even if you did, I wouldn’t give myself mineRegret fills my very essenceMy whole being will miss your presenceI lost my singularity of creationI just wish for you more appreciation Loneliness my bitter friendWe’ll be together until the endA long life of being hollowA continuum of time in endless sorrow”

“Rami – Why do we have time and times passage?Dayah – In this material realm you have been counting and keeping track of the number of turns your beloved little planet takes around it’s star calling these circulating passages names like ‘days’ ‘months’ or ‘years’. You have numerically segmented down these ‘days’ into units such as ‘seconds’ ‘minutes’ or ‘hours’. And there you have it! You have created what you think of as ‘time’. But please remember beloved One. It is you mortals who created this concept of ‘time’ and ‘time’ is much smaller than you are. You are limitless. This dear beloved little planet is merely spinning ’round and ’round through the Infinity of the Divine Oneness of which you are the microcosm.”

“Time is the essence of words.”

“If you start killing time, in the end time will kill you.”

“Sometimes I just sit outside of my house in the middle of the night. I just sit. Maybe I’ll even grab a smoke or two before entering again.”