“Rami – Why do we have time and times passage?Dayah – In this material realm you have been counting and keeping track of the number of turns your beloved little planet takes around it’s star calling these circulating passages names like ‘days’ ‘months’ or ‘years’. You have numerically segmented down these ‘days’ into units such as ‘seconds’ ‘minutes’ or ‘hours’. And there you have it! You have created what you think of as ‘time’. But please remember beloved One. It is you mortals who created this concept of ‘time’ and ‘time’ is much smaller than you are. You are limitless. This dear beloved little planet is merely spinning ’round and ’round through the Infinity of the Divine Oneness of which you are the microcosm.”

“If we take the time to unravel the surreptitious fragments from the past that are veiled in the muddle and jumble of our memory, we may single out the essentials for the present that might be best shots for the future. (Never looking back again”, )”

“Yes, change can be scary, and yes change takes time, but with a firm foundation of positive life change in place, all possibilities and hopes can turn your life in a positive direction.”

“كان ينبغي لي أن أمتنع. كان ينبغي لي أن أصمت. كان ينبغي لي أن لا أكتفي. أن أقول نعم على مضض. أن أردّد شكراً. وأتمتمها مطولاً. أن لا أحدّق في وجهك طويلاً. أن أدير وجهي بسرعة. أن أرتشف قهوتي ببطأ. أن أنظر داخل الفنجان. وأن أنده “ولكن”.كان ينبغي لي كل هذا كي أحبك. وكي أذهب الى ليلك بقلبٍ صاخب وجسدٍ يرقص، كان ينبغي لي أيضاً أن أعيد ترتيب الوقت على طريقتي.”

“Space is cold and stiff, but Time is alive. Space divides, but Time brings everything to everything else. It does not course outside of you and you do not swim upon it like a drifting log. Time flows through you: you yourself are in flow. You are the river. Are you grieving? Trust Time: soon you will be laughing. Are you laughing? You cannot hold fast your laughing, for soon you will be weeping. You are blown from mood to mood, from one state to another, from waking to sleeping and from sleeping again to waking. You cannot go on wandering for long. You come to a halt, you are tired, you are hungry, you must sit down, you eat, you stand again, you begin anew to wander. You suffer: from the distance unattainable, you glimpse the Deed which you long. But the stream is constantly moving you and one morning the hour of action has arrived. You are a child, and never (so you think) will you escape the helplessness of childhood, which locks you into four windowless walls. But look: your wall itself movable and yielding, and your whole being becomes re-fashioned into a youth. From within yourself there rise hidden springs that leap up to yourself. Posibilities open up before you like flowers, and one day the world has grown all around you. Softly, Time transports you from one curve to another. New vistas and horizons unfold at your side as you pass by. You begin to love the change: you’ve discovered an extraordinary adventure is afoot. You sense a direction, you feel a new impulse, you can smell the sea. And you see that what changes in you changes also in everything around you. Every point you hurriedly pass by is itself in movement. Every point is being whirled in some direction: its own long history is following its course: but each point knows the ending of its history no more than you know that of yours. You glance up to heaven, Sublime is the rotation of its suns, but these are each heavily laden with their planetary systems as with grapes, and they dash away from one another into already-prepared distances and unfathomable spaces. You smash atoms and they swarm about in more confusion that if you had stamped your foot on an anthill. You seek a mainstay and a temperament law in the temperate mid-region of our earth, but here, too, there is nothing but constant event changing history, and no one can forecast for you even next week’s clouds.”

“Even the devil has a devil of a time on Earth these days.”

“Pain, indeed, makes the time seem to go on very slowly; an hour seems like a day and a day like a week.”

“Getting to know experienced people is the best leisure time you can have.”

“There’s a reason we live in time. We are too small a flask […] to tolerate too much knowing. Instead, truth must drip through us as through a pipette, to allow only moments of apprehension. Moments diffuse and miniature enough to be survived.”

“Take a break from the stresses of life and use that time to rediscover the important things that matter to you most. We all deserve an anti-stress day to recharge our batteries.”

“Take time to feed your soul and keep the mind-body-spirit connection strong.”

“Every leaf that taps against the attic window, every thorn that nestles against the bricks, is part of a barrier that keeps the twentieth century at bay. I have always taken a dim view of the twentieth century, so that I consider this to be a laudable amibition.”

“one must not borrow a long white beard and tie it onand threaten with the scythe of time the casually curious”

“She: Why do I feel this deep pain in my heart?He: It is natural for a human being to feel the pain of a broken heart!She: Will I ever come out of this pain?He Absolutely yes!She: Are you sure?He: Yes! Be patient! One fine day time will mend your broken heart!”

“Centuries telescoped into one evanescent moment. History was wrong-footed, caught off guard. Sloughed off like an old snakeskin. Its marks, its scars, its wounds from old wars and the walking backwards days all fell away. In its absence it left an aura, a palpable shimmering that was as plain to see as the water in a river or the sun in the sky. As plain to feel as the heat on a hot day, or the tug of a fish on a taut line. So obvious that no one noticed.”