All Quotes By Tag: Unrequited
“They say “Follow your heart”….…. But I can’t follow you where you’re going…”
“Though it’s reasons to burn may vary… you are always the fuel of my fire.”
“They say the truth hurts. And these words hurt more than any I have ever written. But they are the truth – The cold, hard, undeniable truth.Not letting go doesn’t keep him with you.It’s still over. He’s still gone.… And nothing will ever change that.”
“It is the deepest of wrongs I am driven to write…. And losing you was one of them.”
“It’s times like this…. when it’s over a year later and I’m still crying over you that I want to turn to you and say: See…. This is why I asked you never to kiss me.”
“Though life has fated that we never cross paths again, don’t ever feel alone. For we are parallel …. and I will always be by your side.”
“It’s the intricate details you miss the most. For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe – but I would know it if I saw it again.It was the look that gave him away.I’d know that look anywhere…It used to be my everything.”
“Like so many others my story begins with that same old line…. ‘So anyway, there was this guy….’ Until one day…. there wasn’t.And nothing was ever the same after that….”
“I raised you so high that every other man on earth is now doomed to live in your shadow.”
“Every quote, every book, every film seemed to suggest that ‘one day’ someone would come into my life and love me with an intensity and a passion I had never experienced before. And to their credit they were right; It all came and went so fast it really did feel as if it were just ‘one day’….”
“He looked at me like I was the stars when all I’d ever felt like was the dark nothingness between them.”
“It’s funny how we say a person ‘made’ us when they actually broke us.Sort of like how I say ‘funny’… but I actually mean sad.”
“Wolves mated for life. Where was he? Where was the echo to her howl, her mate? Was there no other lone wolf, searching the hills for her?”
“Witch Baby wanted to ask Ping how to find her Jah-Love angel. She knew Raphael was not him, even though Raphael had the right eyes and smile and name. She knew how he looked–the angel in her dream–but she didn’t know how to find him. Should she roller-skate through the streets in the evenings when the streetlights flicker on? Should she stow away to Jamaica on a cruise ship and search for him in the rain forests and along the beaches? Would he come to her? Was he waiting, dreaming of her in the same way she waited and dreamed?”
“Never stop believing that your dreams are eternal.”