“Let Buddha light your way with wisdom so that you may follow the right path for you.”

“When you choose your own way, you lose your happiness”

“The way into the hall of success always passes through the chamber of decision. Decide to be a success; success is deliberate!”

“I’m fine on my way. You are good in your way. If you force me to take you on your way, then listen “I do not f**k your way”

“To come to nothing through something is the way to outside from both sides.”

“There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan… Jesus is the way, the truth and the life… The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter…”

“You enter the forestat the darkest point,where there is no path.Where there is a way or path,it is someone else’s path.You are not on your own path.If you follow someone else’s way,you are not going to realizeyour potential.”