“Asking and not assuming is the beginning of “WISDOM.” You can learn anything just by asking any question. Wisdom begins with constant “QUESTIONING” not assuming what we don’t know. We only come to know what we know, when we ask.”

“Wisdom is not merchandise; hence, it is possible to come across a rich fool.”

“Life is beautiful if one lives and reads its chapters with a thirst emanating from knowing that death might be lurking around the corner.”

“If the answer is not the one you want, maybe you’re not asking the right question.”

“It is better to keep your opinions of other people to yourself and not share those feelings with others. There is no reason for you to express your opinion concerning those in power. Mind your own business and keep your opinions to yourself.”

“Too much concentration belittles life. Concentration is a narrowing down of the mind – but we are concerned with the total process of living, and to concentrate exclusively on any particular aspect of life, belittles life.”

“Oh, monsters are scared. That’s why they’re monsters. And as for grown-ups…I’m going to tell you something important. Grown-ups don’t look like grown-ups on the inside either. Outside, they’re big and thoughtless and they always know what they’re doing. Inside, they look just like they always have. Like they did when they were your age. The truth is, there aren’t any grown-ups. Not one, in the whole wide world.”

“Oh superior divine,Take me from fictitious to the factual,Take me from the gloom of ignorance to The illumination of wisdom,And take me from iniquity to integrity.”

“…a man, who, like Satan, thought himself, for an instant, equal to God; but who now acknowledges, with Christian humility, that God alone possesses supreme power and infinite wisdom.”

“Zeus, whose will has marked for manThe sole way where wisdom lies;Ordered one eternal plan:Man must suffer to be wise.Head-winds heavy with past illStray his course and cloud his heart:Sorrow takes the blind soul’s part -Man grows wise against his will.For powers who rule from thrones aboveBy ruthlessness commend their love.”

“The wise man will always look past the superficial to what lies beneath. Don’t be satisfied with the outward appearance of things, dig deeper and get to the very core. See things as they truly are, not as people would have you see them.”

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourselfis Enlightenment.”

“God preserve me from growing wise! Yes, I intend to mumble toothlessly to my deathbed bystanders: God preserve me from growing wise!”

“It’s when I begin to understand life that I begin to understand so little.”

“You know, your grandmother once told me something that the Native Americans say about dogs with different-colored eyes: they are extraordinary, for they have the ability to look upon both heaven and hell.”