“Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.”

“We are not helpless…Many times in our lives we’ve been powerless, but not this night. Right now we have the power to choose the manner in which we die. If you have been a master of nothing else in all your days, you are now a master of this moment. And I for one am going to give such an answer to this insult that others will dearly regret not being by my side to see it!”

“Que as nossas palavras ressoem para sempre pela eternidade e que nunca sejam esquecidas. Se por ventura se perderem perdidos estaremos.”

“When I was in Colditz, that impenetrable fortress, whittling away my life, I wanted to know this.””Looks like you’re still there, Shura.””No,” he said. “I’m in New York, a fly on the wall, trying to see you without me.”

“There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth somewhere in the middle.”

“Religion and politics together is the most dangerous of all combinations, when that religion, is not the true religion of kindness and love, but the religion of books, doctrines and priests.”

“Today evolution of human intelligence has advanced us to the stage where most of us are too smart to invent new gods but are reluctant to give up the old ones.”

“هذا الاحترام لــ”حقوق الإنسان” ــ هذا يجعلني حقا أودّ أن أقول، أن أتفوه تقريبا بعباراتٍ بغيضةٍ نوعاً ما. إنه ينتمي كثيرا إلى هذا التفكير الضعيف للفترة الفكرية الخاوية التي ناقشناها من قبل. إنها مُجرَّدةٌ تماما، ما هي “حقوق الإنسان” هذه؟ إنها مُجرَّدةٌ تماما، فارغةٌ تماما. إنها بالضبط مثل ما كنا نقوله من قبل عن الرغبة، ما حاولتُ قوله عن الرغبة: الرغبة لا تتمثل في إقامة موضوع، في القول بأنني أرغبُ في هذا… نحن لا نرغب، مثلا، في الحرية، إلى آخره. هذا صفر. بالأحرى، نحن نرغب… نجد أنفسنا في مواقف. أختار مثال المشكلات المعاصرة في أرمينيا، هذا حديثٌ جدا. ما هو الموقف، لو كنت أفهمُه بشكل صحيح؟ لا يدري المرءُ أبدا، حقا، يمكنك أن تُصحّحيني، لكن هذا لن يُغيِّر كثيرا. هناك معقلٌ في جمهوريةٍ سوفيتية أخرى، هناك معقلٌ أرميني، جمهورية أرمينية، هذا هو الموقف، جانبٌ أولٌ منه. وهناك هذه المذبحة بواسطة نوعٍ من الجماعة التركية…”

“What would you consider a good job?” Answered as follows:”A good job is one in which I don’t have to work, and get paid a lot of money.”When I heard that I cheered and yelled and felt that he should be given an A+, for he had perfectly articulated the American dream of those who despise knowledge. What a politician that kid would have made.”

“Nothing’s a better cure for writer’s block than to eat ice cream right out of the carton.”

“Your child is a product of time”

“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.”

“Open the fridge and putMy heart on a plate.I’m just as you leftme, and I taste even betterleftover.”

“We stand there for a moment, staring at each other, savoring it. And then all at once, we slam together. Mia’s legs are off the ground, wrapped around my waist, her hands dipping in my hair, my hands tangled in hers. And our lips. There isn’t enough skin, enough spit, enough time, for the lost years that our lips are trying to make up for as they find each other. We kiss. The electric current switches to high. The lights throughout all of Brooklyn must be surging.”