Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“The best parts of life are the things we can’t plan. And it’s a lot harder to find happiness if you’re only searching in one place. Sometimes, you just have to throw away the map. Admit that you don’t know where you’re going and stop pressuring yourself to figure it out. Besides…a map is a life someone else already lived. It’s more fun to make your own.”
“The Good News does not hinge on words like do or change but on the powerless, irrelevant, and frightening words like belief and faith.”
“Love is a language which everyone can understand without interpretation.”
“What makes art Christian art? Is it simply Christian artists painting biblical subjects like Jeremiah? Or, by attaching a halo, does that suddenly make something Christian art? Must the artist’s subject be religious to be Christian? I don’t think so. There is a certain sense in which art is its own justification. If art is good art, if it is true art, if it is beautiful art, then it is bearing witness to the Author of the good, the true, and the beautiful”
“I breathe in…the fragranceof love, and moist sandthe onehis roses lefton both my handsI just keep on breathingevery momentas much as I canpreserving it, in my bodyfor the dayit can’t.”
“After a dream like that, you’re grateful that it was just a dream, that no matter how bad your actual life, it couldn’t be worse than your dream life. ”
“You know the reason The Beatles made it so big?…’I Wanna Hold Your Hand.’ First single. Fucking brilliant. Perhaps the most fucking brilliant song ever written. Because they nailed it. That’s what everyone wants. Not 24/7 hot wet sex. Not a marriage that lasts a hundred years. Not a Porsche…or a million-dollar crib. No. They wanna hold your hand. They have such a feeling that they can’t hide. Every single successful song of the past fifty years can be traced back to ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand.’ And every single successful love story has those unbearable and unbearably exciting moments of hand-holding.”
“Be the Light you seek so desperately in your life and chase away that darkness.”
“Deciding what you want or who you want to be have a cost, before doing the either one, you must first decide whether you are ready and you dare to pay the price or not.”
“Though darkness now surrounds me, And I cannot see the light, I will trust the purpose I cannot see, I’ll not surrender to the night.”
“You never get mad,” she said when their server left the table. “Except at me.”“That’s not true,” he said tightly. “Torie can get me going.”“Torie doesn’t count. You were obviously her mother in a previous life.”
“Revenge is weakness.Weakness is cowardice.Hate is ignorance. Grudge is fear. Fear is darkness. Darkness is pain. Hope is joy. Joy is strength. Although life is doubtful, death is certain.”
“Chanel is an institution, and you have to treat an institution like a whore – and then you get something out of her”
“The difference between greed and ambition is a greedy person desires things he isn’t prepared to work for.”
“People resist a census, but give them a profile page and they’ll spend all day telling you who they are.”