All Quotes By Tag: Comfort
“I believe that life is full of tragedy. Some lives more than others. But I also believe that comfort can be found with the people that love you . . . if you’re willing to let them give it.”
“Lifeless life is the very thing Jesus came to rescue us from.”
“It is better to hope than be un-happy.”
“It is better to heal than harm.”
“It is a great truth that you will rise again. It is a sweeter truth that you will “always be with the Lord.” Whatever else you draw comfort from, neglect not this deep, clear, and over-flowing well of delight. There are other sources of good cheer in connection with the glory to be revealed, for heaven is a many-sided joy, but still none can excel the glory of communion with Jesus Christ, wherefore comfort one another in the first place and most constantly, with these words, “So we will always be with the Lord.”
“The grace of a curve is an invitation to remain. We cannot break away from it without hoping to return. -Gaston Bachelard”
“Christians have long realized that the whispered name “Jesus” can bring comfort and cheer to someone suffering or bereaved, and it can bring joyful hope to the fearful or depressed heart.”
“Let me stand for love. In conflict, let me be peace. In tragedy, let me be hope. In darknes, let me be light. In grief, let me be comfort.”
“Even in the darkest times the gods are always there.”
“The ultimate source of comfort and peace is within ourselves.”
“The best traveler is one without a camera.”
“A soft and sheltered Christianity, afraid to be lean and lone, unwilling to face the storms and brave the heights, will end up fat and foul in the cages of conformity.”
“Her shoes were comfortable. They reflected her hope for the evening.”
“There’s sometimes a tugging feeling you get to push further when you aren’t being challenged enough or when things get too comfortable.”
“Heaven is a place where all the dogs you’ve ever loved come to greet you.”