“Fear is felt by writers at every level. Anxiety accompanies the first word they put on paper and the last.”

“It does not count if you believe in yourself when it’s easy to believe in yourself. It does not count if you believe the world can be a better place when the future looks bright. It does not count if you think you’re going to make it when the finish line is right in front of you. It counts when it’s hard to believe in yourself, when it looks like the world’s going to end and you’ve still got a long way to go. That’s when it counts. That’s when it matters the most.”

“Thy confidence, shall be thy courage.”

“The seemingly impossible is not the path of the least resistance, but definitely the most rewarding one. Believe that it’s going to happen and tell everyone it’s going happen. Then it will happen. You just need willpower, determination and a smile on your face.”

“The do-somethings will always be judged by the do-nothings…Those who dare are always hated by those who cower.”

“Keep fighting my friend. Life is a journey and while some days are not as good as others, everyday is an adventure.”

“Keep fighting my friend. Life is a journey, and while some days are not as good as others, everyday is an adventure.”

“Your limits may appear as brick walls blocking the path to your dreams but if you have the courage to push your limits you will find that they are delicate curtains that move aside at a single touch. Limitations are but false images created in fear and defeated through bravery. Be brave.”

“A large Japanese fleet has been contacted. They are fifteen miles away and headed in our direction. They are believed to have four battleships, eight cruisers, and a number of destroyers. This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can.”

“The mind speaks louder than the voice.”

“Inspiration gives us courage to keep going in the face of illness, misfortune, and loss.”

“No limit of thinkingNo limit of abilitiesThat is the way to acheive more in life”

“I did not tremble when his eyes met mine. One can only shudder in fear for so long until all trepidation is replaced by unearthly bravery.”

“Be brave and let go. Let go of fear, and pain. Stop holding to the thing that is tearing you apart. While you hang on, grimly gripping and clutching this to you, you deny yourself freedom, new gifts, love. It is madness to presume that you are more wise than the Universe. Let go. Trust.”